Dictionary of Revolutionary Marxism
Recent Additions and Revisions to this Dictionary
[Entries added or revised in the past couple weeks are marked with a “NEW” flag.]
February 2025
CONSTRUCTIVISM [Post-Modernist Trend in Education] - CONA.htm#Constructivism_in_education![]()
EINSTEIN, Albert - ED.htm#Einstein_Albert![]()
FARADAY, Michael - FA.htm#Faraday_Michael![]()
HELL - HE.htm#hell
“JEVONS PARADOX” - J.htm#Jevons_Paradox![]()
JOBS — In Capitalist Society - J.htm#jobs_in_capitalist_society
LIFE EXPECTANCY - LI.htm#life_expectancy![]()
NATIONS — Large and Small - NA.htm#nations_large_and_small![]()
PFAS [“Forever Chemicals”] - PE.htm#PFAS![]()
RELIGIOUS CONVERSION - RE.htm#religious_conversion![]()
SAMUELSON, Paul - SA.htm#Samuelson_Paul
SMALLPOX - SM.htm#smallpox![]()
“TWO-STATE SOLUTION” [Palestine] - TU.htm#two-state_solution![]()
VAGUE CONCEPTIONS - V.htm#vague_conceptions
WORKING FROM HOME - WO.htm#working_from_home![]()
January 2025
CENTENARIAN - CE.htm#centenarian
CEO [Chief Executive Officer] - CE.htm#CEO
CHANGING ONE’S OWN MIND - CH.htm#changing_one's_own_mind
CHEMICALS — Dangerous - CH.htm#chemicals_dangerous
CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS — Bourgeois - CL.htm#class_consciousness_bourgeois
FIRE DEPARTMENTS — PRIVATE! - FI.htm#fire_dept_private
GAZA — Destruction Of - GA.htm#Gaza_destruction_of
HANLON’S RAZOR - HA.htm#Hanlon's_Razor
MEXICO — Economy - ME.htm#Mexico_economy
MURDERS — UNSOLVED - MU.htm#murders_unsolved
OIL & GAS INDUSTRY — Productivity In - O.htm#oil_and_gas_industry_productivity
PARODIES - PA.htm#parodies
PRUDERY — In America - PR.htm#prudery_in_America
SUBMISSION - SU.htm#submission
TRADE SURPLUSES - TR.htm#trade_surpluses
TULSA RACE MASSACRE (of 1921) - TU.htm#Tulsa_Race_Massacre
WALL STREET GAMBLERS - WA.htm#Wall_Street_gamblers
WORKING FROM HOME - WO.htm#working_from_home
December 2024
BIRTH CONTROL CLINICS - BI.htm#birth_control_clinics
COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL — Third Congress - COM.htm#Comintern_third_congress
EVOLUTION — Teaching Of in the United States - EU.htm#evolution_teaching_of_in_U.S.
FUTURE, The - FU.htm#future
INDUSTRIAL POLICY - INA.htm#industrial_policy
LITERACY RATE — U.S. - LI.htm#literacy_rate_US
MUKHBIR [Informer] - MU.htm#mukhbir
QUESTIONS - Q.htm#questions
RETURN TO NORMAL - RE.htm#return_to_normal
RUSSELL, Bertrand - RU.htm#Russell_Bertrand
SUPPLY-SIDE ECONOMICS - SU.htm#supply-side_economics
November 2024
DRINKING WATER - DR.htm#drinking_water
DROUGHT - DR.htm#drought
EXERCISE [Physical Exertion] - EX.htm#exercise_physical
GLOBAL WARMING - GL.htm#global_warming
HONG KONG - HO.htm#Hong_Kong
MEDIA - ME.htm#media
“MIDNIGHT RUSH, on the First of the Month” - MI.htm#midnight_rush
NEWSPAPERS - NE.htm#newspapers
NUCLEAR WEAPONS — Lost! - NU.htm#nuclear_weapons_lost
NURSING HOMES - NU.htm#nursing_homes
OCCUPY MOVEMENT - O.htm#Occupy_Movement
PLAGUE - PL.htm#plague
PROTEST MOVEMENTS — Limitations Of - PR.htm#protest_movements_limitations_of
REFERENCE PRICE - RE.htm#reference_price
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH — Sex Crimes by Priests - RO.htm#Roman_Catholic_Church_sex_crimes
TRANSHUMANISM - TR.htm#transhumanism
VIRTUAL REALITY — Could What We Take to Be the Real World Actually Be a Virtual Simulation? - V.htm#virtual_reality_and_the_real_world
October 2024
DIRIGISTE - DI.htm#dirigiste
ELECTIONS — Foreign Imperialist Manipulation Of - EL.htm#elections_foreign_imperialist_manipulation_of
FRENCH POLYNESIA - FR.htm#French_Polynesia
HAWAII — U.S. Imperialist Conquest Of - HA.htm#Hawaii_US_conquest_of
“LESSER OF TWO EVILS” - LE.htm#lesser_of_two_evils
MARRIAGE — Trends in Contemporary Capitalist Society - MAR.htm#marriage_trends
OIL PRICES - O.htm#oil_prices
PRISONERS — Wages Of - PR.htm#prisoners_wages_of
“SWATTING” - SW.htm#swatting
TROPICAL FORESTS - TR.htm#tropical_forests
WAGES — Falling - WA.htm#wages_falling
September 2024
BIRTHDAYS — Of Leaders - BI.htm#birthdays_of_leaders
DARKNESS AT NIGHT - DA.htm#darkness_at_night
FREEDOM OF THE PRESS - FR.htm#freedom_of_the_press
KÁRMÁN LINE - K.htm#Karman_line
OLBERS’ PARADOX - O.htm#Olbers_paradox
RECESSION - RE.htm#recession
THINGS GOING WRONG - TH.htm#things_going_wrong
UNITED STATES IMPERIALISM — Foreign Military Bases - UNI.htm#US_imperialism_foreign_military_bases
August 2024
“BE WITH THE REVOLUTIONARY MASSES” - BE.htm#be_with_the_masses
EUGENICS MOVEMENT [U.S.] - EU.htm#eugenics_movement
PHILOSOPHICAL NOTEBOOKS by Lenin - PH.htm#philosophical_notebooks_Lenin
PROGRAMME [Political] - PR.htm#programme_political
REVOLUTIONARY PHRASE-MONGERING - RE.htm#revolutionary_phrase-mongering
UNIVERSITY COSTS [U.S.] - UNI.htm#university_costs
ZOMBIE - Z.htm#zombie
July 2024
ALIYAH - AL.htm#aliyah
AUTOCRACY - AT.htm#autocracy
CONSUMER SPENDING (Consumer Share of the Economy) - CONA.htm#consumer_spending
DARK ENERGY - DA.htm#dark_energy
ELEPHANTS - EL.htm#elephants
LYNCHINGS — Racist - LU.htm#lynchings_racist
MORTGAGES — Increasing Difficulties in Paying Off - MO.htm#mortgages_increasing_difficulties
RURAL AMERICA - RU.htm#rural_America
June 2024
BINARY ARITHMETIC - BI.htm#binary_arithmetic
CREDIT CARDS - CR.htm#credit_cards
“DE MINIMIS” (Imports) - DE.htm#de_minimis
“LIVING PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK” - LI.htm#living_paycheck_to_paycheck
YISHUVISM - Y.htm#Yishuvism
May 2024
CONGRESS — United States — Committees Of - CONA.htm#Congress_US_committees
GOVERNMENT DEBT - GO.htm#government_debt
HAITI - HA.htm#Haiti
HOUSE PRICES - HO.htm#house_prices
PFAS [Forever Chemicals] - PE.htm#PFAS
UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION - UNI.htm#universal_jurisdiction
ZIONISTS — “Liberal” vs. “Right-Wing” - Z.htm#Zionists_left_right
April 2024
CHILDREN — Maltreatment Of - CH.htm#children_maltreatment_of
LONG TERM TRENDS — Focusing On - LO.htm#long_term_trends_focusing_on
NATIONAL DIGITAL CURRENCY - NA.htm#national_digital_currency
POLICE CHASES - PO.htm#police_chases
RELIGIOUS CONVERSION - RE.htm#religious_conversion
“SITUATIONAL SCIENCE” - SI.htm#situational_science
SOVIET UNION — Economic Problems In [Gorbachev Era] - SO.htm#Soviet_Union_economic_problems_in
March 2024
ART — and BOURGEOIS DECADENCE - AR.htm#art_and_bourgeois_decadence
CORPORATE DEBT — Role in Financial Crises - COO.htm#corporate_debt_role_in_crises
HIGH-SPEED RAIL - HI.htm#high-speed_rail
HOLOCAUST - HO.htm#holocaust
METHANE - ME.htm#methane
METHANE LEAKS - ME.htm#methane_leaks
PARTICULATE MATTER - PA.htm#particulate_matter
SEDIMENT - SE.htm#sediment
SHOAH - SH.htm#Shoah
SHRINK-FLATION - SH.htm#shrink-flation
SURREALISM - SU.htm#Surrealism
February 2024
COTTON - COO.htm#cotton
“DRIP-PRICING” - DR.htm#drip-pricing
“The GREAT FINANCIAL CRISIS” - FI.htm#The_Great_Financial_Crisis
“TWO-STATE SOLUTION” (Palestine) - TU.htm#Two-State_Solution
UNIVERSITY COSTS - UNI.htm#university_costs
ZIONISM — and the Creation of Israel - Z.htm#Zionism_Israel
ZIONISM — and Imperialism - Z.htm#Zionism_and_imperialism
January 2024
CHILDBIRTH - CH.htm#childbirth
CONJECTURE - CONA.htm#conjecture
CYNICISM - CU.htm#cynicism
DISINFLATION - DI.htm#disinflation
“GREATER ISRAEL” - GR.htm#Greater_Israel
IRISH FAMINE [Of the 1840s] - IO.htm#Irish_Famine
NAKBA - NA.htm#Nakba
SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES - SU.htm#subscription_services
December 2023
“CANCEL CULTURE” - CA.htm#cancel_culture
CARBON DIOXIDE — As a Greenhouse Gas - CA.htm#carbon_dioxide_greenhouse_gas
“DEMOGRAPHIC CRISIS” - DE.htm#demographic_crisis
FACIAL RECOGNITION SOFTWARE - FA.htm#facial_recognition_software
FAITH - FA.htm#faith
“HUGO EFFECT” - HU.htm#Hugo_Effect
RACE — As a Supposed “Biological” Category - RA.htm#race_biological
SLAVERY — Ancient - SL.htm#slavery_ancient
SPUTNIK - SP.htm#Sputnik
“SPUTNIK THEORIZING” - SP.htm#Sputnik_Theorizing
SUICIDE (In the U.S.) - SU.htm#suicide_US
ZIONISM (Main Entry) - Z.htm#Zionism
November 2023
CAPITALIST ROADERS — Their Claim that Capitalism is Only “Temporarily” Needed - CA.htm#capitalist_roaders_temporary
EDUCATION — United States — 19th Century - ED.htm#education_US_19th_century
EXTREME WEATHER EVENT - EX.htm#extreme_weather_event
FLARING NATURAL GAS - FL.htm#flaring_natural_gas
GOSPLAN - GO.htm#Gosplan
MACHINE TOOLS - MAA.htm#machine_tools
PANAMA CANAL - PA.htm#Panama_Canal
“QUICK FIXES” - Q.htm#quick_fixes
REPUBLICAN PARTY (U.S.) - RE.htm#Republican_Party_US
SCIENCE DENIALISM - SC.htm#science_denialism
SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM (U.S.) - SO.htm#Social_Security_US
STRUCTURAL RACISM - ST.htm#structural_racism
TRIBALISM - TR.htm#tribalism
UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT — Debt - UNI.htm#US_government_debt
WOMEN — Wages Of (U.S.) - WO.htm#women_wages
October 2023
ADULT CHILDREN LIVING WITH PARENTS - AC.htm#adult_children_living_with_parents
ANAXIMANDER - AN.htm#Anaximander
BUILDING A REVOLUTIONARY ORGANIZATION — Difficulties of in the U.S. - BU.htm#building_a_revolutionary_organization_difficulties_in_US
CENSUS (U.S.) - CE.htm#census_US
COMPUTERS — Stored Program Design - COM.htm#computers_stored_program_design
DECENTRALIZATION IN PRODUCTION - DE.htm#decentralization_in_production
DECENTRALIZATION — In a Socialist Economy: As a Cover for Revisionism - DE.htm#decentralization_revisionist
GHOSTS - GE.htm#ghosts
HUMANITY — Ideological Transformation Of - HU.htm#humanity_ideological_transformation_of
INDIVIDUALISM - INA.htm#individualism
INFLATION - INF.htm#inflation
MASKS [Health] - MAS.htm#masks_health
METHODOLOGICAL FETISHISM - ME.htm#methodological_fetishism
MINIMUM WAGE - MI.htm#minimum_wage
MULTIPLE JOB HOLDERS - MU.htm#multiple_job_holders
NEW ECONOMIC POLICY (NEP) [USSR - 1920s] - NE.htm#New_Economic_Policy
“NEW MAN”, The - NE.htm#New_Man
OLD PEOPLE - O.htm#old_people
PEASANT - PE.htm#peasant
PROTEST MOVEMENTS — Limitations Of - PR.htm#protest_movements_limitations_of
September 2023
BOURGEOIS MEDIA - BO.htm#bourgeois_media
CORPORATIONS — Changes and Reorganizations In - COO.htm#corporations_changes_within
CORRUPTION — Corporate - COO.htm#corruption_corporate
COVID-19 VACCINES — and Heart Issues - COO.htm#Covid-19_vaccines_heart_issues
ELECTIONS — Corporate Influence In or Control Of - EL.htm#elections_corporate_influence_in
FUNDAMENTAL CONTRADICTION OF REVOLUTIONARY WORK - FU.htm#fundamental_contradiction_of_revolutionary_work
GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY - GE.htm#General_Theory_of_Relativity
LAISSEZ-FAIRE - LA.htm#laissez-faire
OFFSHORING - O.htm#offshoring
PASSIVE VOICE - PA.htm#passive_voice
POLITICS — Bourgeois - PO.htm#politics_bourgeois
“POP” PSYCHOLOGY - PO.htm#pop_psychology
STUDENT LOANS - ST.htm#student_loans
ZERO-SUM (Game or Situation) - Z.htm#zero-sum
August 2023
EVOLUTION — Teaching Of in the United States - EU.htm#evolution_teaching_of
FUSION POWER PLANTS - FU.htm#fusion_power_plants
INFLUENCER [Capitalist Marketing] - INF.htm#influencer
KANTIAN IDEALISM - K.htm#Kantian_idealism
NARCISSISM - NA.htm#narcissism
RELIGION — Decline Of In The U.S. - RE.htm#religion_decline_of_in_US
TRADE RESTRICTIONS — Increasing - TR.htm#trade_restrictions_increasing
VENTILATION - V.htm#ventilation
July 2023
CEO [Chief Executive Officer] - CE.htm#CEO
GENERIC DRUGS - GE.htm#generic_drugs
HEALTH INSURANCE — In the U.S. - HE.htm#health_insurance_U.S.
INTELLECTUAL HUMILITY - INT.htm#intellectual_humility
MULTIPLE JOB HOLDERS - MU.htm#multiple_job_holders
MUSK, Elon - MU.htm#Musk_Elon
PRIMITIVE ACCUMULATION - PR.htm#primitive_accumulation
PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH — In the Pre-Capitalist Era - PR.htm#productivity_growth_in_pre-capitalist_era
PUBLIC LIBRARIES - PU.htm#public_libraries
SIMPLICITY AND COMPLEXITY - SI.htm#simplicity_and_complexity
TUBERCULOSIS - TU.htm#tuberculosis
June 2023
DANGEROUS TOOLS - DA.htm#dangerous_tools
ELECTIONS — In a Bourgeois Democracy - EL.htm#elections_bourgeois
FEDERAL RESERVE BALANCE SHEET - FE.htm#Federal_Reserve_balance_sheet
HEALTH INSURANCE — In the U.S. - HE.htm#health_insurance_U.S.
LEADERS — Glorification Of - LE.htm#leaders_glorification_of
PLASTIC POLLUTION - PL.htm#plastic_pollution
PROXY WAR - PR.htm#proxy_war
May 2023
EPISTEMIC TRUST - EP.htm#epistemic_trust
FINANCIAL STRESS INDEX [U.S.] - FI.htm#Financial_Stress_Index
GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE — How It Can Promote Misinformation and Error - GE.htm#generative_AI_promoting_error
GOVERNMENT BAILOUTS - GO.htm#government_bailouts
HARIJANS - HA.htm#harijans
HUMAN IRRATIONALITY - HU.htm#human_irrationality
ILLUSORY TRUTH EFFECT [Psychology] - IA.htm#Illusory_Truth_Effect
MATHEMATICS — and the World - MAT.htm#mathematics_and_the_world
MILITARY EXPENDITURES - MI.htm#military_expenditures
NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS - NU.htm#nuclear_power_plants
REPETITION OF IDEAS - RE.htm#repetition_of_ideas
SLAVERY — Origin Of - SL.htm#slavery_origin_of
SUICIDE (In the U.S.) - SU.htm#suicide_US
SYNGMAN RHEE - SW.htm#Syngman_Rhee
WORKING FROM HOME - WO.htm#working_from_home
April 2023
AUTHORITIES - AT.htm#authorities
CAPITAL (DAS KAPITAL) — Engels Editorship Of - CA.htm#Capital_Engels
CORPORATE CAPITALISM - COO.htm#corporate_capitalism
FALLING RATE OF PROFIT THEORY — Empirical Investigations - FA.htm#frpt_empirical_investigations
MICROAGGRESSION - MI.htm#microaggression
OLD AGE CARE WORK - O.htm#old_age_care_work
PLASTIC POLLUTION - PL.htm#plastic_pollution
PROFIT — Average - PR.htm#profit_average
STATE CAPITALISM — Engels’s Prescient Predictions Of - ST.htm#state_capitalism_Engels_prediction_of
“TITLE INFLATION” - TI.htm#title_inflation
WORSHIP - WO.htm#worship
March 2023
“ACADEMIC MARXISTS” - AC.htm#academic_Marxists
BANK FEES - BA.htm#bank_fees
CONTRADICTIONS — Within Capitalist-Imperialism - CONA.htm#contradictions_within_capitalist_imperialism
CRISIS THEORIES (For Capitalist Economic Crises) - CR.htm#crisis_theories_for_capitalism
EPIDEMIOLOGY - EP.htm#epidemiology
FREE TRADE - FR.htm#free_trade
MARXISM — Bourgeois Views Of - MAR.htm#Marxism_bourgeois_views_of
MASKS [Health] - MAS.htm#masks_health
OKISHIO THEOREM - O.htm#Okishio_Theorem
SCIENCE — Trustworthiness Of - SC.htm#science_trustworthiness_of
SECULARIZATION - SE.htm#secularization
TOTAL AGREEMENT - TO.htm#total_agreement
WOKE - WO.htm#woke
February 2023
CAPITAL (DAS KAPITAL) — Self-proclaimed Marxists who Don’t Read It - CA.htm#Capital_Marxists_who_don't_read_it
FOOLED PEOPLE — Convincing Them They’ve Been Fooled - FO.htm#"fooled_people_convincing_them_they've_been_fooled
NATURAL SCIENCE - NA.htm#natural_science
NEW YORK TIMES - NE.htm#New_York_Times
PENTAGON PAPERS - PE.htm#Pentagon_Papers
POLYCRISIS - PO.htm#polycrisis
PONZI SCHEME - PO.htm#Ponzi_scheme
TRUSTWORTHY NEWS SOURCES - TR.htm#trustworthy_news_sources
January 2023
BIBLE - BI.htm#Bible
BIBLE — A Few Quotations from a Horrible Book - BI.htm#Bible_quotations
BITCOIN - BI.htm#Bitcoin
BOOKCHIN, Murray - BO.htm#Bookchin_Murray
CHURN [Job Switching] - CH.htm#churn
COMPARISONS - COM.htm#comparisons
CRYPTOCURRENCY — Collapse Of - CR.htm#cryptocurrency_collapse_of
CUBA — Emigration From - CU.htm#Cuba_emigration_from
DEMAGOGY - DE.htm#demagogy
DUST STORMS - DU.htm#dust_storms
INSURRECTION - INF.htm#insurrection
INSURRECTION — Caution With - INF.htm#insurrection_caution_with
INTERESTS (Politics and Ethics) - INT.htm#interests
JANTELOVEN - J.htm#Janteloven
“PASSIVE INCOME” - PA.htm#passive_income
PRICE OF A THING WHICH HAS NO VALUE - PR.htm#price_without_value
SOCIALLY NECESSARY LABOR TIME - socially_necessary_labor_time
TERMINOLOGY — Misuse Of - TE.htm#terminology_misuse_of
TRIBALISM - TR.htm#tribalism
December 2022
COVID-19 PANDEMIC - COO.htm#Covid-19_Pandemic
COVID-19 PANDEMIC — Economic and Social Consequences in China - COO.htm#Covid-19_economic_consequences_China
FENTANYL - FE.htm#fentanyl
HOMOSEXUALITY — In U.S. - HO.htm#homosexuality_in_US
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY - INT.htm#intellectual_property
LAW AND ORDER — “No Exceptions” - LA.htm#law_and_order_no_exceptions
LEARNING AND TEACHING - LE.htm#learning_and_teaching
LEARNING BY DOING - LE.htm#learning_by_doing
LONG COVID - LO.htm#Long_Covid
MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS - MAN.htm#management_consultants
MISAPPLICATION OF A POLICY OR PRINCIPLE - MI.htm#misapplication_of_a_policy
NATIONAL ONLINE LIBRARY - NA.htm#National_Online_Library
PHILOSOPHY — Difficulty Of - PH.htm#philosophy_difficulty_of
PROUT’S HYPOTHESIS - PR.htm#Prout's_Hypothesis
SOREL, Georges - SO.htm#Sorel_Georges
SYNDICALISM - SW.htm#syndicalism
THINKING JUST ALIKE - TH.htm#thinking_just_alike
“UNDERWATER MORTGAGE” - UNA.htm#underwater_mortgage
USEFULNESS THEORY OF VALUE - UO.htm#usefulness_theory_of_value
VAMPIRE CAPITALISTS - V.htm#vampire_capitalists
November 2022
BOOKS (and BOOK KNOWLEDGE) - BO.htm#book_knowledge
BULLETPROOF FURNITURE - BU.htm#bulletproof_furniture
CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT [U.S.] - CI.htm#Civil_Rights_Movement
CO-LIVING - COA.htm#co-living
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY - COA.htm#cognitive_psychology
HOME OWNERSHIP — Racial Disparities - HO.htm#home_ownership_racial_disparities
LABOR UNIONS: U. S. — Partial Revival Of - LA.htm#labor_unions_US_partial_revival
LOW-WAGE WORKERS - LO.htm#low_wage_workers
“MARCH ACTION” (Germany 1921) - MAR.htm#March_Action_1921
NUCLEAR WEAPONS — First Use Policy - NU.htm#nuclear_weapons_first_use_policy
SHADOW BANKING SYSTEM - SH.htm#shadow_banking
STATE AND REVOLUTION, The [Lenin] - ST.htm#State_and_Revolution
TENT CITIES - TE.htm#tent_cities
THIERS, Louis Adolphe - TH.htm#Thiers_Louis_Adolphe
WILDLIFE DECLINE - WI.htm#wildlife_decline
WORK — Under Capitalism - WO.htm#work_under_capitalism
YOUTH - Y.htm#youth
October 2022
DISINFORMATION - DI.htm#disinformation
ELECTION DENIALISM - EL.htm#electoral_denialism
FAT SHAMING - FA.htm#fat_shaming
KHOZRASCHET - K.htm#khozraschet
NEUTRALITY ACT OF 1935 - NE.htm#Neutrality_Act_of_1935
PERU — COMMUNIST PARTIES - PE.htm#Peru_Communist_parties
PLASTIC POLLUTION - PL.htm#plastic_pollution
QUANTITATIVE TIGHTENING (or QT) - Q.htm#quantitative_tightening
“TWO HUNDRED FAMILIES” - TU.htm#Two_Hundred_Families
WHITE TERROR - WH.htm#White_Terror
September 2022
BOOKS — Banned - BO.htm#books_banned
COVID-19 PANDEMIC — Critical Summations - COO.htm#Covid-19_summation
EXPERTS - EX.htm#experts
HOMELESSNESS - HO.htm#homelessness
LENIN — On Mass Democracy and the Mass Line - LE.htm#Lenin_on_mass_democracy
LONG COVID - LO.htm#Long_Covid
MASSES — Drawing Them Into the Revolutionary Struggle - MAS.htm#masses_drawing_them_into_the_struggle
PRETENSES - PR.htm#pretenses
REVOLUTION — As a Festival of the Oppressed - RE.htm#revolution_as_a_festival
August 2022
COMMUNIST, The (CPUSA) - COM.htm#Communist_The
ECONOMIC CRISES — Simultaneous Multiple Crises - EC.htm#economic_crises_simultaneous_multiple
EGYPT — Oppression of Women - ED.htm#Egypt_women
ELECTIONS — Foreign Imperialist Manipulation Of - EL.htm#elections_foreign_imperialist_manipulation_of
EVOLUTION — Teaching Of in the U.S. - EU.htm#evolution_teaching_of
HOUSEWORK - HO.htm#housework
LABOR - LA.htm#labor
RAINWATER - RA.htm#rainwater
STRIKES - ST.htm#strikes
TOKYO FIREBOMBING [In World War II] - TO.htm#Tokyo_firebombing
UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT — Lies Of - UNI.htm#U.S._government_lies
July 2022
ABORTION [Including reaction to Supreme Court] - AA.htm#abortion
ASSEMBLY LINES - AS.htm#assembly_lines
FUNDAMENTAL CONTRADICTION IN HUMAN SOCIETY - FU.htm#fundamental_contradiction_in_human_society
“HUMAN CAPITAL” - HU.htm#human_capital
“IMPERIAL PRESIDENCY” - IM.htm#imperial_presidency
“IRON LAW OF WAGES” - IO.htm#Iron_Law_of_Wages
“LANTERN LAWS” - LA.htm#lantern_laws
NADER, Ralph - NA.htm#Nader_Ralph
NEOLIBERALISM VERSUS LAISSEZ-FAIRE - NE.htm#neoliberalism_vs_laissez-faire
NEWSPAPERS - NE.htm#newspapers
OBAMA, Barack - O.htm#Obama_Barack
ONTOLOGY - O.htm#ontology
PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION - PR.htm#production_and_distribution
REVOLUTIONARY STRATEGY - RE.htm#revolutionary_strategy
STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH - ST.htm#student_mental_health
TRADE UNIONISM - TR.htm#trade_unionism
VOLCKER, Paul - V.htm#Volcker_Paul
WAGE SLAVERY - WA.htm#wage_slavery
June 2022
DEMOCRACY — the Struggle For By the Proletariat - DE.htm#democracy_struggle_for
DIALECTICAL LEAPS — Popular Terms For and Conceptions Of - DI.htm#dialectical_leaps_popular_terms_for
EXISTENTIALISM - EX.htm#existentialism
FOOLING THE MASSES - FO.htm#fooling_the_masses
HEALTH CARE DEBT - HE.htm#health_care_debt
“IN LEAGUE WITH THE FUTURE” - INA.htm#in_league_with_the_future
MONETARISM - MO.htm#monetarism
PARENTS - PA.htm#parents
PINKERTON DETECTIVE AGENCY - PI.htm#Pinkerton_Detectve_Agency
PLEA BARGAINING - PL.htm#plea_bargaining
STERILIZATION — Racist - ST.htm#sterilization_racist
TEACH-IN - TE.htm#teach-in
THEORY — As Promoting Human Action and Scientific Experiment -- TH.htm#theory_promotive_of_practice
WORKING WHILE SICK - WO.htm#working_while_sick
May 2022
APPARATCHIK - AP.htm#apparatchik
BAY OF PIGS INVASION - BA.htm#Bay_of_Pigs_Invasion
BRECHT, Bertolt - BR.htm#Bertolt_Brecht
CAPITALISM — Rise of in Britain - CA.htm#capitalism_rise_of_in_Britain
DEMAND (Economic) - DE.htm#demand_economic
DEMAND DESTRUCTION - DE.htm#demand_destruction
LABOR — COMMUNIST [Political Economy] - LA.htm#labor_communist
LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE — MEN VS. WOMEN - LA.htm#labor_force_participation_rate_men_vs_women
LUXEMBURG, Rosa — Political Economy Of - LU.htm#Luxemburg_Rosa_economics
LYNCHINGS — Racist - LU.htm#lynchings_racist
NAGARJUNA [Ancient Indian Buddhist philosopher] - NA.htm#Nagarjuna
NOMENKLATURA - NO.htm#nomenklatura
SOVIET UNION — Security Agencies - SO.htm#Soviet_Union_security_agencies
STATESMAN — Imperialist - ST.htm#statesman_imperialist
WASTEWATER BIOLOGICAL SAMPLING - WA.htm#wastewater_biological_sampling
April 2022
CONTROLLING OUR OWN THOUGHTS - CONA.htm#controlling_our_own_thoughts
COVID-19 PANDEMIC — Economic Consequences in China - COO.htm#Covid-19_economic_consequences_China
CRYPTOCURRENCY - CR.htm#cryptocurrency
EMPIRICISM — In Economic Forecasting - EM.htm#empiricism_in_economic_forecasting
HEAVEN - HE.htm#heaven
HYPONYM - HY.htm#hyponym
MARKING [Linguistics: Semantics] - MAR.htm#marking_semantics
MASSES CAN RUN SOCIETY - MAS.htm#masses_can_run_society
VANGUARD PARTY [Added M. Thatcher quote!] - V.htm#vanguard_party
March 2022
COMPETITION — Bourgeois Views On - COM.htm#competition_bourgeois_views
BALANCES — In Socialist Economic Planning - BA.htm#balances_in_socialist_planning
DESPAIR - DE.htm#despair
DOLLAR — Purchasing Power Decline - DO.htm#dollar_purchasing_power_decline
FAILURE TO SPEAK OUT - FA.htm#failure_to_speak_out
FUNCTION [Math] - FU.htm#function_math
GOING AGAINST THE TIDE - GO.htm#going_against_the_tide
GOLD — Lust For - GO.htm#gold_lust_for
INTERNET — Regulation or Suppression of by Reactionary Governments - INT.htm#Internet_regulation_or_suppression_of
PUTSCH - PU.htm#putsch
ŠIK, Ota - SI.htm#Sik_Ota
February 2022
COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL — Dissolution Of - COM.htm#Comintern_dissolution
GENERAL STRIKE - GE.htm#general_strike
HAPSBURG DYNASTY - HA.htm#Hapsburg_Dynasty
LUXEMBURG, Rosa - LU.htm#Luxemburg_Rosa
LUXEMBURG, Rosa — Disputes with Lenin - LU.htm#Luxemburg_Rosa_disputes_with_Lenin
MAOISM (The Term) - MAO.htm#Maoism_term
“MIDDLE CLASS” [Added graph] - MI.htm#middle_class
OBESITY - O.htm#obesity
PRICE FIXING - PR.htm#price_fixing
PROLETARIAT PARTY (Poland) - PR.htm#Proletariat_Party_Poland
ROMANOV DYNASTY - RO.htm#Romanov_Dynasty
ROTE FAHNE, Die - RO.htm#Rote_Fahne
January 2022
ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE - AN.htm#antibiotic_resistance
CENTRALISM AND DEMOCRACY - CE.htm#centralism_and_democracy
CIGARETTES - CI.htm#cigarettes
COMMUNISM — As Part of a Supposed “World Jewish Conspiracy” - COM.htm#communism_as_a_Jewish_conspiracy
COMPETITION - COM.htm#competition
CONSUMER MANIPULATION (By Capitalists) - CONA.htm#consumer_manipulation_of
LIBERMAN, Evsei Grigoreivich - LI.htm#Liberman_Evsei
MANAGERS — In Capitalist Corporations - MAN.htm#managers_capitalist
MENSHEVIK INTERNATIONALISTS - ME.htm#Menshevik_Internationalists
PANDEMICS — Predictions Of - PA.htm#pandemics_prediction_of
POOR, The - PO.htm#poor
“REGULATED CAPITALISM” - RE.htm#regulated_capitalism
SOVIETS — Congresses Of in the Early Years - SO.htm#Soviets_Congresses
VIRCHOW, Rudolf - V.htm#Virchow_Rudolf
December 2021
ANALYSIS (Scientific) - AN.htm#analysis_scientific
ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY - AN.htm#analytic_philosophy
COVID-19 PANDEMIC - COO.htm#Covid-19
COVID-19 PANDEMIC — Economic Consequences - COO.htm#Covid-19_economic_consequences
“CULTURAL APPROPRIATION” - CU.htm#cultural_appropriation
“INFANTILE LEFTISM” - INF.htm#infantile_leftism
PERFORMATIVE USE OF LANGUAGE - PE.htm#performative_use_of_language
RIGHT AND WRONG - RI.htm#right_and_wrong
“RIGHTS” - RI.htm#rights
November 2021
AMERICAN SNIPER [Movie] - AL.htm#American_Sniper_movie
BOOKS — Reading Of - BO.htm#books_reading_of
CARS — as Weapons Against Protesters - CA.htm#cars_as_weapons
CLIMATE CHANGE HYPOCRISY - CL.htm#climate_change_hypocrisy
CORPORATIONS — Shareholders Of - COO.htm#corporations-shareholders_of
EMERGENCY ROOMS - EM.htm#emergency_rooms
FENTANYL - FE.htm#fentanyl
HEAT — Excessive - HE.htm#heat_excessive
OBJECTIVE SITUATION - O.htm#objective_situation
PHYSICS — In the Soviet Union - PH.htm#physics_in_USSR
U.S. ECONOMY — During World War II - UNI.htm#U.S._economy_during_WWII
October 2021
DRONE [Pilotless Aircraft] - DR.htm#drones
INVESTIGATION — Before Launching Political Action - INU.htm#investigation_before_political_action
MONOPOLY - MO.htm#monopoly
MONOPOLY — Broad Vs. Narrow - MO.htm#monopoly_broad_vs_narrow
PEAK OIL - PE.htm#peak_oil
RACISM — In Hiring - RA.htm#racism_in_hiring
SKEPTICISM — Selective - SI.htm#skepticism_selective
September 2021
BOOKS — Banned - BO.htm#books_banned
COUNCIL OF TRENT (1545-1563) - COO.htm#Council_of_Trent
ELECTRON - EL.htm#electron
INTERPRETATION — Of MLM Texts - INT.htm#interpretation_of_MLM_texts
LIBERAL SENSIBILITIES — Capitalist-Imperialist Exploitation Of - LI.htm#liberal_sensibilities_capitalist_exploitation_of
“MANDATORY FUN” - MAN.htm#mandatory_fun
MATTER - MAT.htm#matter
MOTION (Change of Position) - MO.htm#motion_change_of_position
MOTION—Dialectics Of - MO.htm#motion_dialectics_of
SCIENCE—and Philosophy - SC.htm#science_and_philosophy
WORKERS’ PARTY OF IRELAND - WO.htm#Workers_Party_of_Ireland
August 2021
CHAEBOL - CH.htm#chaebol
NUCLEAR WEAPONS—America’s Use of in World War II - NU.htm#nuclear_weapons_WWII
OPIOID ADDICTION CRISIS [U.S.] - O.htm#opioid_addiction_crisis
PENG Dehuai - PE.htm#Peng_Dehuai
July 2021
ASSET PRICE INFLATION STRATEGY [Of the Fed] - AS.htm#asset_price_inflation_strategy
DANDAKARANYA - DA.htm#Dandakaranya
FAMILY DISCORD - FA.htm#family_discord
“FEW-SHOT” LEARNING - FE.htm#few-shot_learning
“GENIUS, Theory Of” - GE.htm#genius_theory_of
June 2021
CORPORATE DEBT—As a Percentage of GDP - COO.htm#corporate_debt_vs_GDP
“CURE THE SICKNESS TO SAVE THE PATIENT” - CU.htm#cure_the_sickness_to_save_the_patient
“EIGHT REVOLUTIONARY MODEL PLAYS” - ED.htm#Eight_Revolutionary_Model_Plays
GOD — Supposed Proofs of the Existence of - GO.htm#God_existence_of
LYING - LU.htm#lying
MICROBIOME - MI.htm#microbiome
MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITY (MBS) - MO.htm#Mortgage_Backed_Security
SEPTEMBER 13 INCIDENT [China: 1971] - SE.htm#September_13_Incident
STEEL — World Production Of - ST.htm#steel_production
“SUGAR-COATED BULLETS” - SU.htm#sugar-coated_bullets
May 2021
DEATH FROM OVERWORK - DE.htm#death_from_overwork
DEPRESSION — Chronic and Intractable - DE.htm#depression_chronic_and_intractable
EMPIRICISM - EM.htm#empiricism
EMPIRICISM — As One Kind of Revisionism - EM.htm#empiricism_as_revisionism
“IN-AND-OUT-OF-RECESSION” - INA.htm#in-and-out-of-recession
EMPIRICISM - EM.htm#empiricism
NET PRODUCT [Socialist Society] - NE.htm#net_product
PROTO-SCIENCE - PR.htm#proto-science
RACISM — And Capitalism - RA.htm#racism_and_capitalism
RATIONALISM - RA.htm#rationalism
“RED-TAGGING” - RE.htm#red-tagging
TRANSFERABLE RUBLE - TR.htm#Transferable_Ruble
April 2021
BIRDS — Disappearance Of - BI.htm#birds_disappearance_of
DEFINITIONS - DE.htm#definitions
FOOD BANK - FO.htm#food_bank
“PARTY MAXIMUM” - PA.htm#Party_Maximum
STALIN — Failure to Use the Mass Line Method of Leadership - ST.htm#Stalin_failure_to_use_mass_line
March 2021
MONTHLY REVIEW [Magazine] - MO.htm#Monthly_Review
NEPAL — Maoist Parties In - NE.htm#Nepal_Maoist_parties
POLITICAL SCIENCE - PO.htm#political_science
“TWO WHATEVERS” - TU.htm#Two_Whatevers
VARGA, Eugen [“Eugene”] - V.htm#Varga_Eugen
February 2021
CRITICISM — Of Others, and the Development of One’s Own Views - CR.htm#criticism_and_development_of_ones_own_views
EUROPE-CHINA RAILROAD - EU.htm#Europe-China_Railroad
FUNDAMENTAL CONTRADICTION vs. PRINCIPAL CONTRADICTION - FU.htm#fundamental_contradiction_vs_principal_contradiction
MATERIALISM — How Dialectical Materialism Developed Out of Mechanical Materialism - MAT.htm#materialism_how_dialectical_materialism_developed
TRANSNATIONAL REPRESSION - TR.htm#transnational_repression
TRUMP, Donald - TR.htm#Trump_Donald
January 2021
CATEGORY MISTAKE - CA.htm#category_mistake
CHANGING DIRECTION - CH.htm#changing_direction
DIALECTICS - DI.htm#dialectics
FACTIONS — Within the Proletarian Party - FA.htm#factions_within_party
FUNDAMENTAL CONTRADICTION - FU.htm#fundamental_contradiction
FUNDAMENTAL CONTRADICTION vs. PRINCIPAL CONTRADICTION - FU.htm#fundamental_contradiction_vs_principal_contradiction
IDEALISM [Philosophy] - IA.htm#idealism
MATERIALISM - MAT.htm#materialism
PASSAIC TEXTILE STRIKE (1926) - PA.htm#Passaic_Textile_Strike_1926
REFORMS — Those which are Impossible under Capitalism - RE.htm#reforms_those_which_are_impossible_under_capitalism
“SEX WORKER” - SE.htm#sex_worker
“THREAT INFLATION” - TH.htm#threat_inflation
December 2020
AUTOGOLPE - AT.htm#autogolpe
COVIDIOT - COO.htm#covidiot
“DEFUND THE POLICE” - DE.htm#defund_the_police
NATIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION - NA.htm#national_self-determination
SCIENTISTS — Obligations of to the People - SC.htm#scientists_obligations_to_the_people
THEORY DRIVEN - TH.htm#theory_driven
UNIVERSE — Existence Of - UNI.htm#Universe_existence_of
VANGUARD PARTY - V.htm#vanguard_party
November 2020
CONFIRMATION BIAS - CONA.htm#confirmation_bias
DOOMSCROLLING - DO.htm#doomscrolling
ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCE - IO.htm#Israel_Defense_Force
SCIENCE — Limits Of Scientific Knowledge - SC.htm#science_limits_of
October 2020
BOURGEOIS “RIGHT” - BO.htm#bourgeois_right
DOUBT - DO.htm#doubt
WISHING THAT THINGS WERE DIFFERENT - WI.htm#wishing_that_things_were_different
September 2020
AGNOSTICISM — Epistemological - AG.htm#agnosticism_epistemological
August 2020
CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION - CONA.htm#conspicuous_consumption
DEMOCRACY — As a Means to an End - DE.htm#democracy_as_a_means_to_an_end
July 2020
ARISTOTLE — and Ethics - AR.htm#Aristotle_and_ethics
ARTEL - AR.htm#artel
BIG MAC INDEX (And size of China’s Economy) - BI.htm#Big_Mac_Index
“BUY AMERICAN” - BU.htm#Buy_American
CROSS-BORDER E-COMMERCE (CBEC) - CR.htm#cross_border_E-commerce
“LINKS IN A CHAIN (Of DEVELOPMENT)” - LI.htm#links_in_a_chain
PHENOMENOLOGY - PH.htm#phenomenology
June 2020
DE-DOLLARIZATION - DE.htm#de-dollarization
FORBEARANCE [Capitalist Finance] - FO.htm#forbearance
IDIOSYNCRASIES - IA.htm#idiosyncrasies
“MIDDLE CLASS” — Bourgeois Ideology Of - MI.htm#middle_class_bourgeois_ideology
PIKETTY, Thomas - PI.htm#Piketty_Thomas
May 2020
ANGLOSPHERE - AN.htm#anglosphere
CAPITALIST DESTRUCTION OF NATURE - CA.htm#capitalist_destruction_of_nature
CONTACT-TRACING [Epidemiology] - CONA.htm#contact_tracing
ETHNICITY / ETHNIC GROUPS - ER.htm#ethnic_groups
HERD IMMUNITY - HE.htm#herd_immunity
LOCKDOWN - LO.htm#lockdown
LOOKING AND SEEING - LO.htm#looking_and_seeing
OIL AND GAS FIELDS AND PIPELINES (U.S.) - O.htm#oil_and_gas_fields
UNDERSTANDING — “Perfect” - UNA.htm#understanding_perfect
WORLD WAR I - WO.htm#World_War_I
April 2020
ABSURDITIES - AA.htm#absurdities
CREDENTIALS - CR.htm#credentials
DEVELOPMENT — Recurrence In - DE.htm#development_recurrence_in
INVESTMENT STRIKE - INU.htm#investment_strike
MAOIST ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (In China) - MAO.htm#Maoist_economic_development
RETIREMENT BENEFITS - RE.htm#retirement_benefits
SCIENTISTS — Motivation Of - SC.htm#scientists_motivation_of
SECURITY CAMERAS - SE.htm#security_cameras
March 2020
COMMERCIAL PAPER - COM.htm#commercial_paper
CORONAVIRUS - COO.htm#coronavirus
COVID-19 - COO.htm#COVID-19
DEPRESSION (Mental Disorder) - DE.htm#depression_mental_disorder
“DIALECTICAL AND HISTORICAL MATERIALISM” [Work by Stalin] - DI.htm#Dialectical_and_Historical_Materialism
“CRITIQUE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY” [Marx] - CR.htm#Critique_of_Political_Economy_Marx
“END TIMES” - EN.htm#end_times
EPIDEMIC - EP.htm#epidemic
FEAR - FE.htm#fear
FEMINISM — Bourgeois - FE.htm#feminism_bourgeois
“FLATTENING THE CURVE” - FL.htm#flattening_the_curve
HOSPITALS - HO.htm#hospitals
INTERKIT [Soviet anti-Maoist campaign] - INT.htm#Interkit
JACOBINS - J.htm#Jacobins
PANDEMIC - PA.htm#pandemic
RENTERS (Of Apartments or Houses) - RE.htm#renters_home
SHELTER-IN-PLACE - SH.htm#shelter-in-place
STUBBORNNESS - ST.htm#stubbornness
WEALTH TAX - WE.htm#wealth_tax
February 2020
“CLOPENING” - CL.htm#clopening
COSMOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE - COO.htm#Cosmological_Principle
FASCISM — Creeping - FA.htm#fascism_creeping
GENDER BIAS — In Hiring - GE.htm#gender_bias_in_hiring
“GLOBOTICS” - GL.htm#globotics
GOVERNMENT BAILOUT - GO.htm#government_bailout
HOMELESSNESS — Of Students and Youth - HO.htm#homelessness_students
“MODERN MONETARY THEORY” - MO.htm#Modern_Monetary_Theory
MULTITASKING - MU.htm#multitasking
ONE-DIVIDES-INTO-TWO CONTROVERSY (In Maoist China) - O.htm#one_divides_into_two
PRIMITIVE TIMES - PR.htm#primitive_times
REAGANOMICS - RE.htm#Reaganomics
ROBOTS — Effect on Unemployment - RO.htm#robots_effect_on_unemployment
January 2020
ANTHROPIC PRINCIPLE - AN.htm#anthropic_principle
COMMUNISM — Attitude of Americans Towards - COM.htm#communism_attitude_of_Americans_towards
EDUCATION — United States — Deterioration Of - ED.htm#education_US_deterioration_of
GENERAL STRIKE - GE.htm#general_strike
GENERATIONAL CHANGE (U.S.) - GE.htm#generational_change_US
HEMOSTASIS - HE.htm#hemostasis
HU Yaobang - HU.htm#Hu_Yaobang
MEASUREMENT — Concept of in Quantum Mechanics - ME.htm#measurement_in_quantum_mechanics
PHILLIPS CURVE - PH.htm#Phillips_Curve
SEATTLE — General Strike of 1919 - SE.htm#Seattle_general_strike_1919
SECURED LOAN - SE.htm#secured_loan
SMITH, Adam - SM.htm#Smith_Adam
SPACE [Physics] - SP.htm#space_physics
STOP AND FRISK - ST.htm#stop_and_frisk
WAVE FUNCTION - WA.htm#wave_function
December 2019
CONGRESS — United States — Committees Of - CONA.htm#Congress_US_committees
DIALECTICAL ARGUMENT - DI.htm#dialectical_argument
FLYGSKAM - FL.htm#flygskam
GOLD MINING - GO.htm#gold_mining
GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT — U.S. — Distribution Of - GR.htm#GDP_distribution_of
ISRAEL LOBBY - Israel_lobby
MILITARY KEYNESIANISM - MI.htm#military_Keynesianism
PALMER RAIDS - PA.htm#Palmer_Raids
WOMEN -- Sexual Crimes Against in Capitalist Society - WO.htm#women_sexual_crimes_against
WORK-LIFE BALANCE - WO.htm#work-life_balance
November 2019
AIR POLLUTION - AG.htm#air_pollution
AUGMENTED REALITY - AT.htm#augmented_reality
BILLIONAIRES — U.S. - BI.htm#billionaires
CHINA — Urbanization Of - CH.htm#China_urbanization
CLIMATE CHANGE — And Human Extinction - CL.htm#climate_change_and_human_extinction
GLOBAL DEBT - GL.htm#global_debt
“GREAT DECOUPLING” (U.S. & CHINA) - GR.htm#Great_Decoupling
HEALTH INSURANCE — In the U.S. - HE.htm#health_insurance_U.S.
PASSING [Racial Identity] - PA.htm#passing_racial
POLITICAL ECONOMY — and Mathematics - PO.htm#political_economy_and_mathematics
PREP SCHOOLS — in China - PR.htm#prep_schools_in_China
RELIGION — Decline Of In The U.S. - RE.htm#religion_decline_of_in_US
REVOLUTION — and Economic Crisis - RE.htm#revolution_and_economic_crisis
SUNLIGHT - SU.htm#sunlight
October 2019
MARRIAGE — Trends in Contemporary Capitalist Society - MAR.htm#marriage_trends