Russian currency unit (akin to “dollar” or “euro”) which was also used in the former Soviet
See also:
The class that dominates a particular society and through its
political party or parties (and other institutions) controls the state,
and especially the armed forces of the state. Normally (that is, except briefly at times of
revolutionary transition) the class which rules is the economically dominant class, the one
which owns and controls the means of production.
It is very important for the rulers to
convince the other classes either that the actual ruling class has the sole right
to rule (as supposedly specified by the gods, perhaps!), or else that (contrary to the real
situation) they are not the exclusive rulers of the society. In capitalist society the
ruling class is the capitalist class, the bourgeoisie. And it
is especially important for them to try to hide their class rule from the vastly larger working
class. Multi-party bourgeois democracy has been created
for this purpose. Through their control of all the major parties and virtually all of the media
and the major social institutions (churches, schools, etc.), the capitalists remain the ruling
class. But they are for long periods able to fool the working class and the poor into thinking
that “there is no ruling class”, and that everyone has an equal say in how society is run.
See also:
The word ‘rupture’ means the relatively sudden and complete breaking or bursting of
something, with the implication that there is little or no continuity, before and afterwards,
in the thing which ruptures—at least in its most essential aspects. A ruptured heart no longer
beats! Thus it seems really weird and completely incorrect to most Marxist-Leninist-Maoists
that the development of MLM is itself sometimes said to be the result of two major “ruptures”,
first, supposedly a rupture by Lenin of the Marxism of Marx and Engels, and second, supposedly
the rupture by Mao of Marxism-Leninism.
This is not at all what Lenin and Mao
considered that they had done! On the contrary Lenin in his adult years always insisted that
he was a Marxist and was upholding genuine Marxism, and Mao always insisted that he was a
Marxist-Leninist and was upholding genuine Marxism-Leninism. So what is going on here? Why do
some people today try to say that they know better than Lenin and Mao themselves what they
were really up to?
It is certainly true that as a living science
revolutionary Marxism (or MLM) has developed over time. It is even true that from time to time
it has undergone qualitative leaps in its development. One such qualitative leap occurred when
Marx and Engels summed up the experience of the Paris Commune
and added the necessity of establishing the dictatorship
of the proletariat to the programme of Marxism. This did not at all mean that they “ruptured”,
broke with or abandoned the other principles and goals described in the Communist Manifesto!
On the contrary, it meant that they upheld the understanding, perspective and programme
of the Communist Manifesto but added something more to it.
Several new qualitative leaps in Marxism
occurred in the first few decades of the 20th century. The first was the clarification of,
and re-emphasis on, the revolutionary character of Marxism that came from the struggle
against the opportunism and revisionism within most of the parties of the
Second International. This struggle was led by Lenin
and the Bolsheviks, but also by other great revolutionaries such as Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebnecht
and Clara Zetkin. Note that this qualitative leap in Marxism did involve a rupture,
but it was a rupture with revisionism and economism and was basically just a return to
and renewal of the revolutionary Marxism of Marx and Engels which the revisionists had
rejected and abandoned.
A second qualitative leap in revolutionary
Marxism in that period was the development of the strategy and methods of revolutionary work
appropriate in Russia and its empire. This was mostly accomplished by Lenin, and did include an
increased emphasis on the role of a revolutionary political party, and on the importance of
that party consisting of trained, professional revolutionaries and working according to the
principles of democratic centralism. Although this
was certainly a development of revolutionary Marxism, it was by no means a “rupture” or
“break” with it! No previous principles of revolutionary Marxism were abandoned.
A third qualitative leap in Marxism at around
that time occurred with the development of the theory of capitalist-imperialism by Lenin
(based in part on the work of Hobson and
Hilferding) and its accompanying new focus on revolutionary
struggle in imperialist colonies. Again, this in no way involved any “rupture” with previous
revolutionary Marxism, but only an extension and further development of it.
These last three qualitative leaps in
Marxism were all led by Lenin and are appropriately associated with his name. (See:
LENINISM.) And these developments of
Marxism, along with Lenin’s successful leadership of the Bolshevik Revolution and the
regeneration of the entire world revolutionary movement, have been of such importance that
we renamed our science as Marxism-Leninism. But this was not because what Marx
and Engels wrote and did was mostly outmoded or surpassed! It was because of the
renewal of the revolutionary essence of their ideas, along with some extensions and
developments of their theory appropriate to the changed economic and political situation in
the world.
Mao is largely responsible for two further
qualitative leaps in the development of revolutionary Marxism. The first development was the
creation of a brand new strategy for revolution in largely peasant colonies and semi-colonies
such as China was in the 1930s and 1940s. This was the strategy of
protracted people’s war (PPW), a central aspect of which was
the countryside surrounding the cities. Again, this in no way “ruptured”, destroyed or
replaced the vast bulk of revolutionary Marxism as it existed before Mao. Rather, it
added to that great treasury of revolutionary principles and knowledge, and provided
an additional means of making proletarian revolution in largely rural peasant
countries in the imperialist era.
The second great qualitative leap in
revolutionary Marxism that is due primarily to Mao is the theory and practice of continuing
the revolution under socialism (as exemplified in the Great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution). Anyone with much knowledge of the GPCR will recognize
that to a very large degree this involved defeating and overthrowing the capitalist-roaders
and returning to and re-emphasizing the importance of maintaining genuine
proletarian rule, i.e. the dictatorship of the proletariat, that Marx, Engels and Lenin
had so strongly insisted on long before Mao. So once again this qualitative leap was more
of a rupture with revisionist conceptions and forms of phony “socialism” and
definitely not a “rupture” with genuine Marxism-Leninism.
Contrary to the claim of a series of
“ruptures”, the historical development of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism has been exactly that—a
series of developments, clarifications, extensions, improvements, and reaffirmations of
its original revolutionary essence! Sometimes there have indeed been qualitative leaps,
but never has there been anything that could be properly considered a “rupture” with the
past—except when that past involved intrusions of bourgeois ideology into what was for a
time being called “Marxism”. It is philosophically very wrong to consider all
qualitative leaps as being the same thing as “ruptures”.
So where did this idea that Marxism has
developed through a series of “ruptures” and abandonments of past thinking and practice
come from in the first place? Its actual origin is in bourgeois French philosophy!
No kidding! We can trace it back first of all to the grandiose notion of the bourgeois
philosopher Gaston Bachelard that science develops
through a series of “epistemological ruptures”.
This idea was then latched onto by Louis Althusser,
who started mis-applying it to Marxism, first with his erroneous claim that there
was an “epistemological rupture” (or break) between the Marx of the 1840s and the later
Marx. Later, other French “radical” ideologists, who for a time considered themselves to
be “Maoists” (but who never were), such as Alain Badiou
and Sylvain Lazarus, adopted this same exaggerated and
twisted terminology. And Althusser, Badiou, et al., have in recent years been all the rage
in the academic “Marxist” milieu.
That is how this totally inappropriate term
‘ruptures’ has come to be applied to the development of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in academic
circles. But there is more. Academic “Marxists” very much like the idea that “more
modern” versions of what they call Marxism have broken with certain basic ideas of Marx,
Lenin (and Mao!) which they personally don’t like. Such as the need for a disciplined
revolutionary party based on democratic centralism, or the need for the dictatorship of the
proletariat, or even just the need for violent revolution. These ideas make academic
“Marxists” (who after all are often from a petty-bourgeois background) very uncomfortable,
and they themselves want to make a profound rupture with them. And that is
really why the concept of the development of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as a series of
“ruptures” with the past is welcome in that milieu. It is well to remember that academic
“Marxists” or “leftists” of any kind have never made a revolution and never will. Those who
are serious about making revolution need to break away from the insidious anti-Marxist
influences which they may have experienced in college, including any infatuation with
French bourgeois philosophy masquerading as Marxism, and academic “Marxism” in general.
“The Census Bureau classifies any community as rural if it isn’t within an urban area, meaning it is not part of a densely settled area with 5,000 or more people or 2,000 or more housing units. (In the 2020 census, 20 percent of Americans were classified as rural.)” —New York Times, “Grappling With What Makes Rural America Tick”, National Edition, July 2, 2024.
“Can rural America be saved?
“There are 60 million people, almost one
in five Americans, living on farms, in hamlets and in small towns across the landscape. For
the last quarter century the story of these places has been one of relentless economic
“This is, of course, not news to the
people who live in rural and small-town America, who have been fighting for years to reverse
this decline....
“Rural America is getting old. The
median age is 43, seven years older than that of city dwellers. Its productivity, defined as
output per worker, is lower than urban America’s. Its families have lower incomes. And its
share of the population is shrinking: The United States has grown by 75 million people since
1990, but this has mostly occurred in cities and suburbs. Rural areas have lost some three
million people. Since the 1990s, problems such as crime and opioid abuse, once associated with
urban areas, are increasingly rural phenomena.
“Rural communities once captured a
greater share of the nation’s prosperity. During the economic recovery of 1992 to 1996,
135,000 new businesses were started in small counties, a third of the nation’s total.
Employment in small counties shot up by 2.5 million, or 10 percent, twice the pace experienced
in counties with million-plus populations.
“These days, economic growth bypasses
rural economies. In the first four years of the recovery after the 2008 recession, counties
with fewer than 100,000 people lost 17,500 businesses, according to the Economic Innovation
Group. By contrast, counties with more than one million residents added, altogether, 99,000
“One thing seems clear to me: Nobody—not
experts or policymakers or people in these communities—seems to know quite how to pick rural
America up.
“States, municipalities and the federal
government have spent billions to draw jobs and prosperity to stagnant rural areas. But they
haven’t yet figured out how to hitch this vast segment of the country to the tech-heavy
economy that is flourishing in America’s cities.
[Even in rural counties there does exist
some manufacturing.] “But factory jobs can no longer keep small-town America afloat. Even
after a robust eight-year growth spell [for the bourgeoisie! —Ed.], there are fewer than 13
million workers in manufacturing across the entire economy. Robots and workers in China put
together most of the manufactured goods that Americans buy. The high-tech industries powering
the economy today don’t need cheap labor. They need highly educated workers. [Actually, they
need highly educated but also cheap workers! —Ed.] They find those most easily
in big cities, not in small towns. [And among foreign-educated tech people who immigrate to
those big cities. —Ed.] ...
“This is the inescapable reality of
agglomeration, one of the most powerful forces shaping the American economy over the last
three decades. Innovative companies choose to locate where other successful, innovative
companies are. That’s where they can find lots of highly skilled workers. The more densely
packed these pools of talent are, the more workers can learn from one another and the more
productive they become. This dynamic feeds on itself, drawing more high-tech firms and highly
skilled workers to where they already are....
“[A recent study focuses] on the alarming
rate of joblessness in the region roughly between the Mississippi River and the states on the
Atlantic coast, where rural communities are doing particularly poorly.
“...[T]he United States is still left
with 50 to 55 million people living in rural communities that no longer have much to offer
them economically.” —Eduardo Porter, “Abandoned America: The hard truths of trying to bring
jobs back to small towns”, New York Times, Dec. 16, 2018.
[The article suggests that those from
rural areas seeking jobs should therefore move to the cities, especially the tech centers.
However, this requires that they first acquire a good technical education (which is now far
more likely to be obtained in foreign countries) and also goes up against the absurdly
unaffordable housing prices in the tech centers. In other words, the bourgeoisie really has
no answer for the problems of rural America, any more than they do for the problems of the
working class in general. —Ed.]
See also:
1. [In China before collectivization in the 1950s:] Peasants, or
farm workers, who themselves had no land or farm animals or farm implements, and who were thus
forced to sell their labor power to landlords or
rich peasants in order to survive.
2. Farm workers in a similar situation elsewhere.
See also:
CHINA—Class Analysis Before 1949
RUSSELL, Bertrand (1872-1970)
One of the best known bourgeois philosophers of the 20th century, and one of the most
overrated. He was constantly changing his mind about almost every topic, philosophical and
political, so it is hard to summarize his “ideas”. For example, at one time during the late 1940s
he advocated an unprovoked nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, and a few years later championed
the “better red than dead” anti-nuclear movement. For more about his philosophical flightiness,
see the philosophical doggerel
page on him. (See also: NEUTRAL MONISM)
Russell had trouble determining any truth,
political or philosophical, and this led him not only to flightiness, but also sometimes to
a sort of cowardness. He once said that “I would never die for my beliefs, because I might be
wrong.” [Quoted in The Week, April 29, 2005, p. 17.] What a
perpetual waverer and what an ass!
Russell had some considerable influence on the
left in China in the period right after World War I. He visited China in 1920 and gave lectures
across the country which were well-received because of his opposition to the foreign capitalist
domination of China. In the book he wrote after his trip, he stated:
“In the long run, the Chinese cannot escape economic domination by foreign Powers unless China becomes military or the foreign Powers become Socialistic, because the capitalist system involves in its very essence a predatory relation of the strong towards the weak, internationally as well as nationally. A strong military China would be a disaster; therefore Socialism in Europe and America affords the only ultimate solution.” —Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China (1922), p. 64.
Despite the acknowledgement here of imperialism as an aspect of modern capitalism,
even this comment betrayed the paternalistic perspective of the British aristocracy (of which
Russell was a part), in that it claimed that China could not (or should not) free itself from
foreign imperialism and thus depended on positive changes in the West for its own salvation.
Moreover, while Russell favored “socialism”, he opposed Marxism and violent revolution, and the
form of socialism he promoted was really only “guild socialism” and/or what came to be called
social democracy. Thus Marxists in China (as well as
elsewhere) had to struggle against Russell’s mostly negative influence in that regard.
However, in his very old age, during the
Vietnam War period, Russell did play a very positive political role, as this letter from him to
Chou En-lai [Zhou Enlai], from Nov. 30, 1965 shows:
Dear Premier Chou,
I am grateful to you for your letter
of October 22. As you know, I am very deeply concerned to make known the nature of the war
at present being waged by the United States against the people of Viet Nam. American
policy is progressing more and more towards economic and political control, usually
obtained by the most atrocious means, of countries which she considers necessary for her
own economic well-being.
We have sought, by all the means at
our disposal, to publicize the many atrocities practiced by the United States in the name
of “liberation.” I am heartened by the support which the people of China are giving to the
Vietnamese in their hard-fought struggle for liberation and independence. It is also clear
that the peoples of Latin America, Asia and Africa must similarly resist the imposition of
such cruelty.
For my part I wholeheartedly support
their struggle and share your view that resistance to the efforts of the United States to
obtain world domination is central to the creation of a lasting world peace.
This struggle is producing a growing
movement in the United States against the cruel and aggressive policies of United States
imperialism. It is arousing the peoples of the world to a new consciousness, which is the
greatest hope for a change in the United States, based on the defeat and elimination of
such policies by the people of America themselves.
Please accept my most sincere
congratulations to the people and Government of China for their unique and remarkable
accomplishments during the last 16 years.
You have my unswerving support for
any actions leading to the easing of the threat of world domination, and, thereby, to our
common pursuit of world peace.
With warm regards,
Yours sincerely,
Bertrand Russell
Peking Review,
vol. VIII, #50, Dec. 10, 1965.]
“Different classes have different ways of justifying their actions. Which class does not have adequate justification? Doesn’t Russell? He recently sent me a pamphlet which should be translated and read. Russell is now a bit better politically. He is anti-revisionist and anti-American and he supports Vietnam. This idealist has acquired a little materialism. I am talking about his actions.” —Mao, “Speech at Hangchow” (Dec. 21, 1965), SW 9:228.
“At the end of 1920, Zhang Dongsun and Liang Qichao launched a debate about socialism. Although they stated that capitalism was bound to fall and socialism was sure to rise, they emphasized that since China was industrially backward, there was no ground for the founding of a political party representing the laboring classes and that the solution was for the gentry and mercantile class to vitalize industry and commerce and develop capitalism. They called for ‘a rectified attitude toward capitalists’ in order to ‘bring about sound, gradual development under the present economic system.’ They expressed their faith in the guild socialism advocated by Bertrand Russell, a British scholar, — bourgeois reformism under the guise of socialism.” —A Concise History of the Communist Party of China, by the Party History Center of the CPC Central Committee, Hu Sheng (chief editor), (Beijing: FLP, 1994), p. 28. [This volume was published by the revisionist capitalist-roaders who seized the party and country after Mao’s death, but with regard to the situation and influences in China around 1920 it seems correct. —Ed.]
“In his lecture at Changsha, Russell .... took a position in favor of
communism but against the dictatorship of the workers and peasants. He said that one
should employ the method of education to change the consciousness of the propertied
classes, and that in this way it would not be necessary to limit freedom or to have
recourse to war and bloody revolution.... My objections to Russell’s view point can be
stated in a few words: ‘This is all very well as a theory, but it is unfeasible in
practice’ .... Education requires money, people and instruments. In today’s world money
is entirely in the hands of the capitalists. Those who have charge of education are all
either capitalists or wives of capitalists. In today’s world the schools and the press,
the two most important instruments of education are entirely under capitalist control.
In short, education in today’s world is capitalist education. If we teach capitalism to
children, these children, when they grow up will in turn teach capitalism to a second
generation of children. Education thus remains in the hands of the capitalists.”
—Mao, from a very early letter to
Ts’ai Ho-sen (Nov. 1920), before the Communist Party of China was even formed. In
“Communism and Dictatorship” in SW volume VI, online at:
[In this letter Mao went on to further elaborate on this theme of why the ruling
capitalists will themselves never accept the idea of communism, and why capitalism cannot
be overthrown through mere educational efforts. —Ed.]
RUSSELL, Maud (1893-1989)
A progressive American feminist who eventually became a dedicated Marxist revolutionary and a
supporter of Mao Zedong and the Chinese revolution. She first went to China in 1917 as part of
a YWCA project to do “Woman’s Work for Women”. Her original intention was (as one commentator
put it) “to bring the benefits of Christianity and Western civilization to a new generation of
Chinese women struggling to find their own path to modernity in the wake of the 1911 Republican
Revolution. Instead, over the next twenty-six years, Russell was herself transformed—from
Christian liberal reformer to committed Marxist revolutionary.”
From 1952 until her death at the age of 96 she
published a political journal from New York City (or actually, more like a long series of
pamphlets) under the name Far East Reporter. (Many of these pamphlets are now being
posted at Unlike some American
intellectuals who once developed a deep sympathy for China and its revolution, she was not
fooled when China went revisionist after Mao’s death, and then became a capitalist country.
Instead she firmly denounced the return to capitalism.
A sympathetic biography by a non-Marxist
author, Karen Garner, is available: Maud Russell and the Chinese Revolution (Univ. of
Massachusetts Press, 2003).
RUSSIA — Class Analysis at the Time of the Revolution
[To be added...]
The official name of the Bolshevik Party from 1918 until 1925.
See also below.
“The Ninth All-Russia Conference of the R.C.P.(B.), held in Moscow from September 22 to September 25, 1920, was attended by 241 delegates (116 with the right to vote and 125 with voice but no vote). Among the items on the agenda were: the political and organizational reports of the Central Committee; the immediate tasks of Party development; a report of the commission in charge of the Party history studies, and a report on the Second Congress of the Communist International. The Conference also heard a report from the Polish Communists’ delegate. Lenin opened the Conference, delivered the Central Committee's political report, and took the floor during the debate on the immediate tasks of Party development. The political report dealt mainly with the two subjects—the question of war and peace with Poland, and the organization of Wrangel’s defeat. The Conference passed a unanimous resolution on the conditions of peace with Poland, and approved the statement by the All-Russia Central Executive Committee on the specific peace terms drawn up on Lenin’s instructions and edited by Lenin. The resolution on ‘The Immediate Tasks of Party Development’ provided for practical measures to extend inner-Party democracy, strengthen Party unity and discipline, combat red tape in government and economic bodies and improve the communist training of young Party members. The Conference deemed it necessary to set up a Control Commission, to be elected at Party congresses, and Party commissions under gubernia Party committees, to be elected at gubernia Party conferences. The Conference gave a rebuff to the ‘Democratic Centralism’ group, who denied Party discipline and the Party’s guiding role in the Soviets and the trade unions.” —Note 91, LCW 31.
RUSSIAN IMPERIALISM (Since the Collapse of the Soviet Union)
Russia dominated the state-capitalist Soviet Union, the
regime which arose when socialism was overthrown in the mid-1950s. And in effect the U.S.S.R.
itself included many (though by no means all) of the areas under Russian imperialist control in
that era. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and its empire in 1991, and the transformation
of Russia and the rest of the pieces mostly into Western-style monopoly capitalism (instead of
almost exclusively state capitalism during the Soviet era), the Russian bourgeoisie has more
and more determinedly been attempting to reassert its imperialist control over that old
social-imperialist empire. They still view countries which are now nominally completely
independent, such as Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia, as regions properly under their thumb. This
has already led to some small Russian imperialist wars in Georgia and Ukraine.
The U.S.-led Western imperialist bloc has of
course been trying to pry away the comprador states still in the Russian imperialist sphere.
They have been successful in most of Eastern Europe (including Poland, the Czech Republic,
Slovakia and Hungary), and even in parts of the former Soviet Union itself—such as Latvia,
Lithuania, Estonia, and in (most of) Ukraine. This has prompted the Russian imperialist regime
(led by Vladimir Putin) to seize Crimea and to wage a proxy independence war in the eastern
parts of Ukraine where the Russian language is widely spoken. (When all of Ukraine was under
their economic and political control, they saw no need to do either of these things.)
Despite such obvious imperialist political and
military activity by the current Russian ruling class, there is still reluctance in some
quarters to view Russia as an imperialist country at all! One of the reasons for this is the
old feeling among many revisionists, or those leaning that way, that only the United States is
a true imperialist power. All other countries, even advanced capitalist countries, are viewed
as being at least potential victims and opponents U.S. imperialism, and if the U.S. (rather
than the imperialist system in general) is opposed by anybody it can only be a good
thing. This then often leads to active support for those opponents of U.S. imperialism,
regardless of who they are and what they do to other people. And it often leads to a denial
or downplaying of the crimes of these opponents of the U.S. against their own people. It
can lead to the outrageous support of murderous tyrannical regimes such as that of Saddam
Hussein in Iraq, Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, or Bashar al-Assad in Syria. And it sometimes
leads to outright support for other imperialist powers, such as Russia or China, and even to
the denial that these really are imperialist countries too, which are oppressing and
exploiting their own people as well as others internationally. When there are more than one
set of thugs in the world we cannot let our anger at one set of thugs lead us to side with
or promote a different set of thugs.
It is all well and good to argue, as we have
done above, that since the Russian-dominated U.S.S.R. was already an imperialist country
(though it still called itself “socialist”), so must be Russia today after the fall of the
Soviet Union and the taking down of the phony socialist signboard. That is in fact a valid
argument in this imperialist era when the only sort of advanced capitalism possible is
of necessity the imperialist form.
Nevertheless, it is also worthwhile to look
into the specifics of contemporary Russia in light of the MLM
conception of imperialism and also in light of
Lenin’s 1916 definition of it. One recent
paper by the Mass Proletariat organization in the U.S. summarized the situation well. The
paper points out that the concentration of capital (or degree of monopoly) in Russia
today exceeds that of any of the imperialist powers that Lenin investigated in his time.
“Based on the official statistics of the Russian state, the top 600 firms in Russia account
for over 70% of Russian GDP.” Similarly, the paper discusses the great importance of the
large banks and financial institutions in Russia today and how banking capital has so
deeply merged with industrial capital. In another section it talks about the extensive and
growing export of capital by Russia, and notes that “Russia currently has about $1.2 trillion
invested abroad” with a net international balance of invested assets of “over $200 billion”.
And the paper also talks about how these economic characteristics of imperialism have led
Russia into political and military interventions in other countries, most notably in support
of their comprador regime in Syria, as well as the intensifying global struggle Russia is
engaged in with other imperialist powers, most especially the United States. The paper sums
this all up as follows:
“So, what then is the economic essence of
imperialism? It is the concentration of capital in monopolies, the fusion of banking and
industrial capital into finance capital, the export of capital abroad, and the struggle
between imperialist powers to repartition the world markets (which eventually and
inevitably leads to war between imperialist powers). Russia exhibits all of these features,
and is therefore a capitalist-imperialist country.” [“Russia is an
Imperialist Country”, by Mass Proletariat, June 30, 2017, online at:]
“Some [geographical labels] reek of colonialism (‘Black Africa’) or lingering imperialism (‘the near abroad’, Russians’ term for the former Soviet empire).” —“A menagerie of monikers”, The Economist, Jan. 9, 2010, p. 16.
RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS (Since the Collapse of the Soviet Union)
The top Russian billionaire owners of a great part of the Russian economy, who have arisen
from the rubble of the collapsed state-capitalist Soviet Union. Many of these oligarchic
businessmen were originally little more than gangsters. But gangsters running a
capitalist-imperialist state soon become transformed into the “respectable” establishment
ruling class, no different than any bourgeois ruling class in any other country. “Behind
every great fortune there is a great crime.” (Paraphrase of a comment by Balzac.)
“[U.S. Senator] Sam Nunn, on the occasion of his visit to Moscow immediately after the August coup [in 1991, attempted by the Old Guard against Gorbachev] had been invited by his friend Andrei Kokoshin to meet with what Kokoshin called the ‘chambers of commerce’ of the various new republics [which had been once part of the Soviet Union]. According to Nunn, Kokoshin drove him, ‘in his little tiny car,’ to a dacha ‘way back in the woods’ on the outskirts of Moscow: ‘I looked out and all these limousines are pulled up outside. So I go in there and it looked like something out of Damon Runyon. I mean cigar smoke everywhere, whiskey bottles everywhere, long-legged women everywhere, and these guys where all in there negotiating. It was the people who were conducting private enterprise and illegal activities all over the Soviet Union—technically illegal. Illicit and illegal. This was the beginnings of the business community in Moscow. The people who knew about business were the people who had been doing it, and all of a sudden they could do it legally. We spent about two hours out there. They wanted to hear from me, but we mainly listened to them. It was an uneasy meeting, because all these guys had armed security around them.’ I asked Nunn what they told him. ‘That they were going to do business,’ he said. ‘The shackles were off. They said, “We’re going to be unbridled, we’re going to do business.” This was, in effect, the Mob. Kokoshin realized it as the meeting went along. We were both ready to get the heck out of there.’” —Richard Rhodes, Twilight of the Bombs (2010), p. 113.
[Text to be added.]
The first bourgeois democratic revolution in Russia, which was a powerful mass uprising but
which ultimately failed. The background to the uprising was the growth of a very discontented
working class and the defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese war which broke out in 1904.
Class contradictions were greatly intensified, and there was more discontent with the Tsarist
regime than ever. The demonstrations by the workers in St. Petersburg on January 9, 1905 were
met with a bloody suppression by Tsarist troops. But by the fall of that year the revolutionary
storm broke out throughout the whole country. Armed uprisings occurred in Moscow and many other
cities in December. The Tsar’s forces managed to regain control and suppress the revolution.
But Lenin later aptly called the 1905 Revolution the “dress rehearsal” for the Russian
Revolutions of 1917.
See also:
“Lenin: Lecture on the 1905 Revolution:
“This lecture was delivered by Lenin
to an audience of young workers at the People’s House, Zurich, Switzerland, in January,
1917. In it he briefly recounts the history of the revolutionary development in Russia
from 1905-07.
“He stresses the role of the mass
political strike in the 1905 revolution—it was marked by the greatest strike movement
ever known, in which strikes beginning on economic issues turned into political strikes
against the Tsarist Government—and the formation of Soviets in the course of the mass
struggle, which in some cities deposed the local authorities for a period and themselves
functioned as organs of workers’ power.
“He goes on to point out the world
significance of the 1905 Revolution as arousing a movement throughout the whole of Asia.”
—Maurice Cornforth, ed., Readers’
Guide to the Marxist Classics (1953), p. 62. [Lenin’s lecture is in LCW 23:236-253, and
is available online at:]
The umbrella Marxist socialist party in Russia which eventually included the Bolsheviks, the
Mensheviks, the Bund and other sections, all of which actually operated as independent
political parties much of the time. After the Bolshevik Revolution (in November 1917), the
Bolsheviks soon came to completely dominate the RSDLP (at least within Russia), and the name
of the Party was later changed to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
[More to be added... ]
See also sub-topics below, and:
“The First Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. was held illegally in Minsk
in 1898 (March 1-3 [13-15 on the western calendar]). The question of calling a congress
was raised by Lenin in 1896 when he was in prison in St. Petersburg. The arrest and exile
of Lenin and other leaders of the St. Petersburg League of Struggle prevented the convening
of the Congress. Preparations for it were continued by members of the Kiev Social-Democratic
organization who had escaped arrest. The Congress was attended by nine delegates from six
organizations—one each from the St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev and Ekaterinoslav Leagues of
Struggle, two from the Kiev Rabochaya Gazeta group and three from the Bund.
“The Congress decided to merge the
local Leagues of Struggle and the Bund into a single Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party
and elected a Central Committee. Rabochaya Gazeta was recognized as the Central
Organ of the Party. It was announced that the Union of Russian Social-Democrats would
represent the Party abroad. The Manifesto of the R.S.D.L.P., published by the Congress,
declared the Party’s main task to be the struggle for political liberty against absolutism,
connecting that struggle with the further struggle against capitalism and the bourgeoisie.
“By founding the R.S.D.L.P. the First
Congress marked a step forward in mustering the proletariat around revolutionary
Social-Democracy. It did not, however, create a Party that was a united whole and did not
elaborate the programme and rules of the Party. The Central Committee elected at the Congress
was arrested shortly after. Confusion and wavering increased in the local Social-Democratic
organizations and the creation of a unified Marxist party still remained the chief task for
the Russian Social-Democrats.” —Note 75, Lenin: SW I (1967). [For the reasons mentioned
in this last paragraph, the true founding of the R.S.D.L.P. is generally considered to be
its Second Party Congress.]
“The Second Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. was held between July 17 (30)
and August 10 (23), 1903. It began in Brussels and then moved to London. Preparations for
the Congress were made by Lenin’s Iskra. The delegates to the Congress represented
different trends—they were not only supporters of Iskra, but also its opponents, the
open opportunists, and unstable, wavering elements. The main items on the agenda were: the
approval of the programme and rules of the R.S.D.L.P. and the election of leading Party
centers. Lenin carried on a determined struggle against the opportunists at the Congress. A
revolutionary programme was adopted which put forward the struggle for the dictatorship of
the proletariat as the main task and the rules drawn up by Lenin (with the exception of the
first clause for which Martov’s formulation, reflecting the opportunism of the anti-Iskra
group on organizational questions was adopted). It was at this congress that the split took
place between the revolutionary section of the R.S.D.L.P. (the Bolsheviks) and the opportunist
section (the Mensheviks). Bolsheviks, supporters of Iskra, were elected to the Party
centers. The Congress consolidated the victory of Marxism over Economism, over open
opportunism, and laid the foundations of a revolutionary Marxist party of the working class
in Russia—the Communist Party—and was thus a turning-point in the international working-class
movement.” —Note 166, Lenin: SW I (1967).
RUSSIAN SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC LABOR PARTY (RSDLP) — Third Party Congress “The Third Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. was held in London between
April 12 and April 27 (April 25-May 10), 1905; it was attended by twenty-four delegates with
the right to vote and fourteen with voice but no vote. This was the first Bolshevik Congress. RUSSIAN SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC LABOR PARTY (RSDLP) — Fourth (Unity) Party Congress “The Fourth (Unity) Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. took place in Stockholm
from April 10 to 25 (April 23 to May 8), 1906. RUSSIAN SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC LABOR PARTY (RSDLP) — Fifth Party Congress “The Fifth (London) Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. was held in London from
from April 30 to May 19 (May 13 to June 1), 1907. The Congress was attended by 336 delegates
(including those with the right to vote and those with voice only); they were: Bolsheviks—105,
Mensheviks—97, Bundists—57, Polish Social-Democrats—44, Lettish Social-Democrats—29,
non-factionalists—4. The Bolsheviks, supported by the Poles and Letts, had a sound majority.
Lenin, Dubrovinsky, Shahumyan, Voroshilov and Yaroslavsky were among the delegates. RUSSIAN SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC LABOR PARTY (RSDLP) — Fifth (All-Russian) Conference “The Fifth (All-Russian) Conference of the R.S.D.L.P. was held in Paris
from December 21 to December 27, 1908 (January 3-9, 1909). The conference was attended by
representatives of the biggest Party organizations—the St. Petersburg, Urals, Caucasian, Moscow,
and Central Industrial Regional committees—and of the Polish Social-Democratic Party and the
Bund. Sixteen delegates had the right to vote (5 Bolsheviks, 3 Mensheviks, 5 Polish
Social-Democrats and 3 Bundists). Lenin represented the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. at
the Conference. RUSSIAN SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC LABOR PARTY (RSDLP) — “Unity” Meeting of 1910 “The Plenary Meeting of the C.C. of the R.S.D.L.P., commonly known as
the ‘Unity’ Meeting, was held from January 2 to 23 (January 15-February 5), 1910, in Paris.
The Meeting was convened despite Lenin’s wishes with the assistance of Trotsky’s secret allies,
Zinovyev, Kamenev, and Rykov. In addition to the Bolsheviks, representatives of all the
factions and factional groups and representatives of the non-Russian Social-Democratic
organizations were present. Lenin’s plan for closer relations with the pro-Party Mensheviks
(Plekhanov’s group) in the struggle against the liquidators
was opposed by the conciliators, who were secret Trotskyites. They demanded the disbandment
of all factions, and the amalgamation of the Bolsheviks with the liquidators and Trotskyites.
The conciliators were in the majority at the Meeting. The Bolsheviks were in the minority. It
was only due to Lenin’s insistence that the Plenary Meeting adopted a resolution condemning
liquidationism and otzovism. Nothwithstanding Lenin’s attitude,
the Meeting adopted decisions to abolish the Bolshevik organ Proletary,
disband the Bolshevik Center and hand over its property to the C.C., and the available funds
to the representatives of the international Social-Democratic movement (the ‘trustees’) Franz
Mehring, Clara Zetkin, and Karl Kautsky. Lenin succeeded in getting conditions for the
simultaneous liquidation of the Golos and Vperyod factional centers included
in the resolution of the Plenary Meeting. The Meeting carried a resolution to the effect that
financial assistance be given to Trotsky’s Vienna Pravda, which his agents Zinoviev
and Kamenev, tried to convert into the organ of the Central Committee. RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR (1905) “Japan’s armies outfought and outmaneuvered the Russians both on land
and, perhaps even more important, at sea. In the decisive land battle for Mukden, the
largest Manchurian city (now called Shenyang), the Russians lost ninety thousand men. In
the decisive naval confrontation, in the Tsushima Strait between Korea and Japan, the
Japanese fleet under the command of Admiral Togo Heihachiro annihilated the Russian fleet,
most of which had sailed eighteen thousand miles from its home port in the Baltic Sea.
Only three Russian ships escaped. Russia lost all eight of the battleships in its fleet
and five thousand men—compared to Japanese losses of three torpedo boats and 116 men.
[As part of the settlement of the war] Russia agreed that Korea would be part of Japan’s
sphere of influence, and Japan seized the whole country in 1910. Japan was awarded the
southern half of the Sakhalin Island chain, which had belonged to Russia, and it took
over the special colonialist rights that Russia had had in southern Manchuria, including
a lease on the port of Port Arthur and control over the South Manchurian Railroad.”
—Richard Bernstein, a bourgeois historian, China 1945 (2014), pp. 51-52. RWIOT RYM II (REVOLUTIONARY YOUTH MOVEMENT II) Dictionary Home Page and Letter Index
“The agenda, drawn up by Lenin and
approved by the Congress, contained the following items: I. Report of the Organizing Committee;
II. Questions of tactics; III. Organizational questions; IV. Attitude to other parties and
trends; V. Internal questions of Party life; VI. Reports by delegates; VII. Elections.
“Throughout the Congress the proceedings
were under Lenin’s guidance. He drafted the main resolutions adopted by the Congress, he
delivered the reports on the armed uprising, on the participation of Social-Democrats in a
provisional revolutionary government, on the attitude to the peasant movement, on the Party
Rules and a number of other questions. The minutes of the Congress record over a hundred
reports, speeches and proposals by Lenin.
“The Congress defined the tactical line
of the Bolsheviks that counted on the complete victory of the bourgeois-democratic revolution
and its development into a socialist revolution. The Congress resolutions indicated the tasks
of the proletariat as leader of the revolution and the Party’s strategical plan in the
bourgeois-democratic revolution—the proletariat in alliance with the peasantry as a whole and,
with the liberal bourgeoisie isolated, should pursue the struggle for the victory of the
“The Congress made changes in the Party
Rules: (a) Clause 1 of the Rules was adopted as formulated by Lenin; (b) the rights of the
Central Committee and its relations with local committees were defined in detail; and (c) a
single leading Party body, the Central Committee, was set up in place of the former two
centers—the Central Committee and the Central Organ.” —Note 208, Lenin: SW I (1967).
“The Congress was attended by 112 delegates
with the right to vote, who represented 57 local Party organizations, and 22 delegates with voice
by no vote. Other participants were delegates from various national Social-Democratic parties:
three each from the Social-Democrats of Poland and Lithuania, the Bund and the Latvian
Social-Democratic Labor Party, one each from the Ukrainian Social-Democratic Labor Party and
the Finnish Labor Party, and also a representative of the Bulgarian Social-Democratic Labor
Party. The main items on the Congress agenda were the agrarian question, an appraisal of the
current situation and the class tasks of the proletariat, the attitude to the Duma, and
organizational matters. There was a bitter controversy between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
over every item. Lenin made reports and speeches on the agrarian question, the current situation,
the tactics in the Duma elections, the armed uprising, and other questions.
“The preponderance of Mensheviks at the
Congress, while slight, determined the character of its decisions—the Congress adopted Menshevik
resolutions on a number of questions (the agrarian programme, the attitude to the Duma, etc.).
The Congress approved the first clause of the Rules—concerning Party membership—in the wording
proposed by Lenin. It admitted the Social-Democratic organizations of Poland and Lithuania and
the Latvian Social-Democratic Labor Party into the R.S.D.L.P., and predetermined the admission
of the Bund.
“The Congress elected a Central Committee
of three Bolsheviks and seven Mensheviks, and a Menshevik editorial board of the Central Organ.
“Lenin analyzed the work of the Congress
in his pamphlet Report on the Unity Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. [LCW 10:317-82.]” —Note
251, Lenin: SW I (1967).
“The Congress discussed: (1) The report
of the Central Committee; (2) The report of the Duma group and its organization; (3) The
attitude towards bourgeois parties; (4) The State Duma; (5) The ‘labor congress’ and non-party
working-class organizations; (6) Trade unions and the Party; (7) Guerrilla actions; (8)
Unemployment, the economic crisis and lock-outs; (9) Organizational questions; (10) The
International Congress in Stuttgart (May Day, militarism); (11) Work in the army; (12) Miscellanea.
One of the main questions at the Congress was that of the attitude to bourgeois parties, on which
Lenin made the report. The Congress adopted the Bolshevik resolutions on all questions of
principle. The Central Committee elected by the Congress consisted of 5 Bolsheviks, 4 Mensheviks,
2 Polish and 1 Lettish Social-Democrats. The alternate members elected were: 10 Bolsheviks, 7
Mensheviks, 3 Polish and 2 Lettish Social-Democrats.
“The Congress constituted an important
victory for the Bolsheviks over the Mensheviks, the opportunist wing of the Party. For further
information on the Fifth Congress see Lenin’s article ‘The Attitude Towards Bourgeois Parties’
[LCW 12:489-509].” —Note 299, Lenin: SW I (1967).
“The items on the agenda were: (1) Reports
of the Central Committees of the R.S.D.L.P., the Polish Social-Democratic Party and the Bund,
and of the St. Petersburg, Moscow, Central Industrial Regional, Urals and Caucasian organizations
of the R.S.D.L.P.; (2) The current political situation and the tasks of the Party; (3) The
Social-Democratic Duma group; (4) Organizational questions arising out of the changed political
conditions; (5) The unification with non-Russian organizations in the localities; (6) Affairs
abroad; (7) Miscellaneous.
“Lenin delivered a report on ‘The Tasks of
the Party in the Present Situation’ and also spoke on the question of the Duma group and other
questions. The Bolsheviks at the Conference conducted a struggle against two types of opportunism
in the Party, ‘against the liquidators, the overt
enemies of the Party, and against the otzovists, covert
enemies of the Party’. On Lenin’s proposal the Conference condemned liquidationism and called
upon all Party organizations to pursue a relentless struggle against attempts to liquidate the
Party.” —Note 265, Lenin: SW I (1967).
“Despite Lenin’s protest,
Menshevik-liquidators were elected to the central bodies. For Lenin’s struggle at the Plenary
Meeting against the liquidators, Trotskyites and conciliators see his article ‘Notes of a
Publicist’ [in LCW vol. 17].” —Note 3 in LCW 17.
An interimperialist war between rising Japan and the rather moribund Tsarist Russian Empire.
This war marked the “coming out” of Japanese imperialism on a world scale, and was the first
time that an Asian power defeated an European one in a major conflict. Except for the naval
battles, this war took place entirely on the territory of a third country—China. Japan easily
triumphed in this war, more because of its superior military strategy and tactics than because
of superior equipment, as well as because of Tsarist Russia’s military incompetence.
A faction of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) during the
late 1960s in the United States. [More to be added... ]