[Or, more generally, “digital addiction”.]
“Next, there’s our cell-phone addiction. American adults spend around
3 ½ hours on their devices each day, trying to keep up with the volume of emails,
texts, social-media updates and 24/7 news. And much of our time is ‘contaminated
time’—when we’re doing one thing but thinking about something else. Trying to get more
miles out of every minute—scanning Twitter while watching TV, for example—makes us
think we’re being productive, but really it just makes us feel more frazzled.”
—James Wallman, “TheView Opener”,
Time magazine, Feb. 10, 2020, p. 14.
“When work is interrupted by a digital distraction like a message, it
takes 23 minutes on average to return to the original task, according to one study.”
—“A Guide to Tech Use in the Hybrid
Workspace”, New York Times, June 24, 2021.
CENSORSHIP — via Economics
The official count of the U.S. population which occurs every 10 years, but which is always
deficient in various ways, such as by undercounting the poor and minorities.
“The 1870 census marked the first time Black people in the United States were counted with a name rather than a number.” —“An Unflinching Look at Slavery”, New York Times, National Edition, Oct. 12, 2023.
A person who is at least 100 years old.
“The United Nations estimates that there were about 95,000 centenarians in 1990 and more than 450,000 in 2015. By 2100, there will be 25 million.” —New York Times Magazine, “Age-Old Question”, May 2, 2021, p. 46.
A theory of the social world today which focuses on the exploitation and/or oppression of
the “peripheral” countries of the world by the “central” dominant countries. It sometimes
seems that the purpose of using this terminology is to avoid the word ‘imperialism’.
See also:
Samir AMIN
A bank, usually owned by a government, which supervises and controls commercial banks, the
prevailing interest rates, the amount of money in circulation, and so forth. The central
bank in the United States is called the FEDERAL
RESERVE SYSTEM or more informally, “the Fed”.
See also:
CENTRAL BANK — Government Debt Holdings
Central banks (see entry above) generally create new money in the economy in indirect ways. One
primary method they use to do so is through buying bonds which their government issues by simply
crediting a government bank account with that amount of money. The government may then spend that
money for any purpose. It is really equivalent to the government just printing money and spending
it, but supposedly this indirect method can keep the process under tighter control. The creation
of new money is therefore the same thing as increasing the formal amount of government debt which
the central bank holds.
The creation of new money out of thin air in
this fashion does not necessarily lead to inflation! In an expanding economy, for example,
if the rate of increase in new money matches the rate of the real expansion of production, things
should remain in balance (i.e., the total amount of money and the total amount of goods and
services which that money can buy). Moreover, in times of capitalist economic crisis and when the
real level of production might actually be stagnating or even shrinking, governments and central
banks can use the creation of large amounts of new money in this fashion as a means of attempting
to mitigate or temporarily resolve that crisis. The government may use its new money for
Keynesian deficit financing of budget deficits.
These new government purchases made possible by budget deficits may lead to new production and an
actual expansion of the overall economy. Of course, this can only work as long as the debt load
does not become too extreme. And there is also the possibility that it may eventually lead to
“stagflation”—the worst of both worlds—stagnation together with
out of control inflation.
In addition to the creation of money in the hands
of the government, the purchase of government bonds by the central bank also has the effect of
lowering the interest rate that governments have to pay to private capitalists who loan money to
them (by increasing the demand for government bonds). This effect is especially important at times
of high interest rates, even if the government does not actually use all the new money created in
the process and put into its account.
The graph at the upper right shows the huge growth
in central bank government debt holdings in the U.S., Japan, Europe and Britain in the aftermath of
the 2007-9 Great Recession, as the major capitalist countries
of the world (including China and others whose data is not shown here) have tried to use Keynesian
deficits to resolve the current intractable world overproduction
crisis. However, while it is true that recent U.S. federal government deficits have been
enormous (and are once again rising, probably exceeding $1 trillion this current fiscal year
alone), the U.S. and world economies are still only limping along at slightly above stagnation
levels. As vast as government deficits are and have been, they will have to be yet qualitatively
larger in coming years. And that means ever more new money will have to be created by the central
banks by buying ever more government debt. And in the end, that debt bubble can only collapse.
See also:
Digital money, like Bitcoin in some ways, but created by national banks (such as the Federal
Reserve in the U.S.) and in most cases expected to be tied in some way to the existing national
currency. There are very few experiments with this sort of thing so far (and none in the U.S. yet),
but it looks like they are the coming thing as governments get more and more desperate to try to
find solutions to their financial problems and growing economic crises.
One of the major problems with Bitcoin and most
other non-government digital currencies is that their value is not tied to any existing currency and
so they can suddenly crash down in value as well as zoom up. This means that they do not perform one
of the essential requirements of money—that it be a secure store of value. However, there are still
a great many other risks for such proposed governmental digital currencies, both for central banks
and governments, and even more for the private holders of such digital currencies.
See also:
The most important of the many intelligence and covert operations agencies of the United
States government. It is notorious for overthrowing elected governments in other countries
(such as in Iran in 1953 and Guatemala in 1954), for assassinations, torture and virtually
every other crime that can be thought of, all in the service of U.S. imperialism.
The CIA is also notorious for its
incompetence and stupidity when it comes to actually gathering intelligence! It failed to
foresee the collapse of the state-capitalist Soviet Union or the 9/11
attack by Al Qaeda, for example. It failed to take seriously China’s repeated warnings that
it would enter the Korean War if the invading U.S. troops pushed close to the Chinese border.
One ex-CIA analyst noted that “In 1979, the CIA’s highest-ranking analyst, Robert Bowie,
testified to Congress that the shah of Iran would remain in power, that Ayatollah Khomeini had
no chance to take over, and that Iran was stable.”
Its faulty intelligence and planning led to the abject failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion
in Cuba which attempted to overthrow Fidel Castro in 1961. One of the major reasons for its
continual intelligence failures is that the CIA is comprised of people who actually believe
much of the endless political propaganda and wishful thinking put out by the U.S. government
and the ruling class media.
The death toll incurred by CIA activities
and by governments that have been installed with the help of the CIA runs into the millions,
with covert operations ranging from Indochina, Indonesia, Latin America and Africa which
include horrific episodes of torture and political persecution. A recurring CIA specialty
seems to be to support forces that later turn against the U.S. government and that must
then be “neutralized”. This phenomenon is part of the more general category known as
“blowback”. For example, Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda
organization that carried out the 9/11 attacks against the U.S. in 2001 was originally funded
and trained by the CIA as part of its
covert war in the 1980s against the Soviet social-imperialist occupation of Afghanistan.
CIA activities are occasionally
“investigated” when some information about them comes to light, with some minor reforms or
reprimands enacted. But these are at most cosmetic and invariably totally ineffective, as
demonstrated by the revelations of still more nefarious activity later on. The CIA has been
nicknamed “Capitalism’s International Army” (among other more unflattering titles, like
“Cocaine Import Agency”, for its purported role in starting the inner-city “crack” cocaine
epidemic) and the operatives of the agency (at least of its covert activities wing) are highly
indoctrinated servants of American capitalism who see themselves as its guardians. The CIA
is currently involved in activities throughout the Middle East and the Horn of Africa,
where it is busy trying to subdue local Islamist militias and terrorist groups (i.e., those
who threaten U.S. strategic designs on the region). One particularly ugly aspect of this
activity is the kidnap and torture flights known as “renditions”,
where suspects are flown to countries where torture is routinely practiced. —L.C.; S.H.
See also below, and:
Hundreds (maybe even thousands!) of organizations and committees created over the decades by
the CIA to further its nefarious activities and support the interests of U.S. imperialism.
See also:
All theories in science are constructed for the purpose of organizing and explaining a
diverse group of data, and as such all theories may be viewed as organizing
theories. However, in any specific sphere of science there is usually one central theory,
or at least only a very few such theories, without which the whole subject has little
coherency and makes little overall sense. This is what we mean by a central organizing
theory. In biology, for example, the theory (or fact) of evolution is often
appropriately considered to be the central organizing theory. In geophysics, the theory
of plate tectonics is now the central organizing theory. In the science of revolutionary
Marxism the central organizing theory is historical
See also:
PSYCHOLOGY—Central Organizing Theory Of
In his magnificent work, Anti-Dühring Engels
presented the reasons why we hold that each class in class society has its own separate morality.
And each class morality is based on the interests of that particular class; that is, on those
things which collectively benefit the members of that social class. The question then
arises, however, what makes one class morality—that of the revolutionary proletariat—better
than that of another class morality, such as the morality of the bourgeoisie? This question
is what has been called (especially by bourgeois critics of Marxism) “the central problem of
Marxist-Leninist ethics”. Although this question is relatively easily answered, because of its
importance in fully understanding MLM ethics we will present a fairly long discussion of the
issue here:
There is one little puzzle which often serves as a road block for people
considering communist morality, and which is sometimes called the “central problem” of
Marxist-Leninist ethics by bourgeois philosophers. (It is not just anti-Marxist philosophers
who raise this point however; I’ve heard it from the masses as well.) The gist of it goes
like this: “You say each class has its own morality, its own ideas of what is right and
wrong, and that such questions can only be answered in terms of class moralities. But then
you say that communist morality is better than bourgeois morality, a moral judgment
which can only be made convincingly from outside any specific class morality. (After
all, the bourgeoisie can claim that their morality is “better” too.) Obviously you haven’t
thought out your position very well.” This little conundrum can be fairly easily dealt with,
but I have yet to see any fully satisfactory resolution of it in print.
In Anti-Dühring, for example,
Engels attempts to resolve the problem this way (after introducing the three main European
moralities of the age, Christian-feudal, bourgeois, and proletarian):
“Which [morality], then, is the true
one? Not one of them, in the sense of absolute finality; but certainly that morality which
contains the most elements promising permanence, which, in the present, represents the
overthrow of the present, represents the future, and therefore the proletarian morality.”
[Peking, 1976, p. 117]
There are really two, somewhat
incompatible, principles here: 1) That morality is best which has the largest number of
lasting elements, and 2) That morality is best which represents the future. Note first that
both these ethical principles are extra-class; that is, neither really has a class basis.
And in fact it is completely true that no principle for choosing among class
moralities can be class based. If it was, it would be begging the question. Note secondly,
that no real argument is given for either of these two principles. Why in fact should we
accept them? How do we know that some other principle is not superior? Actually, I can’t
accept either principle as it stands, though I recognize that there is an element of truth
to each.
Consider the first principle, that the
best morality today is the one which has the largest number of lasting elements. If that
were really true then the best morality today would already be the morality
appropriate in the future. But the best morality today (proletarian revolutionary morality)
is not in fact identical to the morality of the communist society of the future. To mention
just one example, one that Avakian also alludes to, I am sure that in communist society,
capital punishment will not exist; it would be wrong. But as Avakian correctly notes, the
masses will not be able to advance to that situation unless some of the worst bourgeois
representatives are executed in the course of the revolution. Once you recognize that
present-day proletarian morality is not identical to the morality of communist society of
the future, you are already implicitly granting that Engels’ first principle cannot
be fully correct. If it were, we would have to try to do the impossible—implement today a
form of morality appropriate to the future.
Engels’ other principle isn’t completely
correct either; the best morality is not necessarily the one that “represents the
future”. The future is not always preferable to the past; Nazi Germany was not preferable to
the Germany of Engels’ day. And bad as the bourgeois morality of Engels’ day was, Nazi
“morality” was clearly worse. At this point in history, it is not even possible to be
absolutely certain that humanity has a long-term future. Until capitalism is completely
overthrown the serious possibility remains that it will destroy humanity completely, quite
possibly in some future nuclear Armageddon, or perhaps through some environmental catastrophe.
It is no longer possible to have the unqualified long-term optimism that Marx and Engels
showed. The reality of today is much more desperate (even with the temporary respite due to
the collapse of one of the two major imperialist superpowers [Soviet social-imperialism])—which
makes proletarian revolution all the more necessary and urgent.
Lenin suggested Engels’ approach when he
said: “Morality serves the purpose of helping human society rise to a higher level and rid
itself of the exploitation of labor.” [LCW 31:294] This of course is true, but it apparently
fails as a principle for choosing among class moralities. The reason is simple: saying
one form of society (communism) is “higher” or better than another form (bourgeois) seems to
just be expressing a class attitude of the revolutionary proletariat, and not an extra-class
So what then is the answer? On what basis
can we choose among class moralities? We can turn to Marx and Engels for a hint. In The
Holy Family, they remark (in pointing out the limits of the great French materialist
philosophers of the Enlightenment) that “If correctly understood interest is the principle of
all morality, man’s private interest must be made to coincide with the interest of humanity.”
Carrying this idea a step further, in class society, the interests of one class must be made
to coincide with that of humanity as a whole. Fortunately, this can in fact be done: any
immediate selfish interests of the proletariat (yes, there are some) must be discarded, and
the resulting long-term, true interests of the proletariat then do coincide with that of
humanity. Lenin once remarked (I forget where) that even the interests of the working class
must give way whenever they really come in conflict with that of humanity as a whole. The
class interests, and thus the morality, of the proletariat, properly understood, do in fact
represent the interests of humanity. Of all the classes and strata that exist today,
only the revolutionary proletariat seeks to abolish all classes, including itself, and
restore the harmony of interests among humanity that is necessary for there to be a
single human morality. That’s why proletarian morality is better than any other class
Although many well-intentioned people
imagine otherwise, in class society the interests of humanity can only be championed via the
interests of a class, the one class whose interests can be made to coincide with those
of humanity as a whole, and that is the revolutionary proletariat.
The key concept in resolving this
conundrum of choosing among class moralities is once again that of interests, but now
the interests of humanity as a whole. As I said before, it is impossible to overemphasize the
importance of the concept of interests in ethics. But some Marxists may still be a bit
uncomfortable with my resolution of the conundrum. Lenin insists, in The Tasks of the Youth
Leagues, that “We reject any morality based on extra-human and extra-class concepts.”
[LCW 31:291] But here I am using an extra-class principle (though not an extra-human one) to
decide among class moralities, and even insisting that only an extra-class
principle can accomplish this—if the reasoning is not to be circular.
I have found that it is helpful to
recall the general overall history of human morality at this point. Morality first arose in
primitive-communal society where there were no classes, and at that time it was based on the
common, collective interests of the whole group (tribe or whatever). Class moralities arose
later when, with the advent of slavery, most of those common, collective interests ceased to
exist. When common interests were split asunder, morality had of necessity to be split asunder
as well. Only when humanity completely regains all these common, collective interests will it
be possible to once again have a unified human morality. And this is only possible if one
single class gains total ascendancy and transforms itself, along with the remnants of all
other classes, into a unified classless humanity. No exploiting class, of any variety, can
possibly do this, because obviously every exploiting class needs another class to exploit. No
exploiting class wants for one minute to get rid of social classes! Only the modern exploited
class, the proletariat, can accomplish this, because only the proletariat truly has an
overriding interest in getting rid of all classes, transforming even itself.
Moreover, it is useful to think about
what must have happened when the common, collective interests of primitive-communal society
were split. Did this mean that humanity then had no common interests whatsoever? No,
the split-up was not that extreme. When slavery arose, the once common interest in seeing
everyone in the group prosper no longer existed; the slave owner no longer gave a damn about
whether his slaves prospered; his only concern for his slaves was that they remain healthy
enough to work hard for him. The slaves, in turn, had no interest in seeing the slave owner
prosper; their interests lay more in seeing him dead. But both the slave owner and the slaves
did have a residue of some common interests. Both had at least some common interest in the
continued health of the slaves, though for drastically different reasons. As another example,
both had an interest in the continuation of humanity as a species.
When we say that in class society there
must be separate class moralities because there are basically incompatible sets of class
interests, we are not denying that there is also a slight residue of abstract universal
(above-class) human interests common to all classes. It is because such a residue of
abstract universal interests still exists that we can talk about such things as the “common
elements” in various class moralities (as Engels does). Thus all class moralities say that
murder is wrong in the abstract; but slave owners did not believe that killing a slave was
“murder” or morally wrong, nor did any enlightened slave think that killing a slave owner was
murder or wrong. Similarly, the modern bourgeoisie does not really believe that killing
rebellious workers in the home country is wrong, nor do they view it as wrong to kill
rebellious people of any class in foreign countries under their thumb. And the revolutionary
proletariat does not view it as wrong to kill some of those bastards if that is what it takes
to get rid of their rule. In short, the prohibition against murder is a “common element” of
the two hostile class moralities only if expressed in the abstract, and not when you get down
to the specific content involved. So what good then is this abstract residue of common
interests, and common morality, that all classes can agree on? It is of no use whatsoever in
practice, and that is why there needs to be separate class moralities. The abstract residue
of universal human interests, and a universal human morality, has in fact only one valid
use—namely, in deciding which of the various competing class moralities is the best, or
in other words, which class morality comes closest to the abstract ideal now (here is the
echo of Engels’ view), and much more importantly, which can eventually lead to a universal
merging of all the most basic interests of everyone, with a new universal human morality
erected on that base (here is the echo of Lenin’s view).
This so-called “central problem” of
Marxist-Leninist ethics, does in fact provide a serious obstacle for many who might
otherwise accept our class-based point of view. That is why we need to get clear on just
why this is not really a genuine “problem” for MLM ethical theory.
—Scott Harrison, adapted from his
“Review of Bob Avakian’s We Need Morality, But Not Traditional Morality”, Jan.
23, 1996, which is available in full at:
See also:
“In 1957 I said: ‘We must bring about a political climate which has both
centralism and democracy, discipline and freedom, unity of purpose and ease of mind for
the individual, and which is lively and vigorous.’ We should have this political climate
both within the Party and outside. Without this political climate the enthusiasm of the
masses cannot be mobilized. We cannot overcome difficulties without democracy. Of course,
it is even more impossible to do so without centralism, but if there’s no democracy there
won’t be any centralism.
“Without democracy there cannot be any
correct centralism because people’s ideas differ, and if their understanding of things
lacks unity then centralism cannot be established. What is centralism? First of all it is
a centralization of correct ideas, on the basis of which unity of understanding, policy,
planning, command and action are achieved. This is called centralized unification. If
people still do not understand problems, if they have ideas but have not expressed them, or
are angry but still have not vented their anger, how can centralized unification be
established? If there is no democracy we cannot possibly summarize experience correctly.
If there is no democracy, if ideas are not coming from the masses, it is impossible to
establish a good line, good general and specific policies and methods. Everyone knows that
if a factory has no raw material it cannot do any processing. If the raw material is not
adequate in quantity and quality it cannot produce good finished products. Without
democracy, you have no understanding of what is happening down below; the situation will
be unclear, you will be unable to collect sufficient opinions from all sides; there can be
no communication between top and bottom; top-level organs of leadership will depend on
one-sided and incorrect material to decide issues, thus you will find it difficult to avoid
being subjectivist; it will be impossible to achieve true centralism.
“Our centralism is built on democratic
foundations; proletarian centralism is based on broad democratic foundations.”
—Mao, from a “Talk at an Enlarged
Central Work Conference”, in the section “The problem of democratic centralism”, January 30,
1962; Chairman Mao Talks to the People, Stuart Schram, ed., (NY: Pantheon, 1974), pp.
See also:
[In Marxist usage:] Views and positions which attempt to find a “middle ground” between
revolutionary Marxism, on the one hand, and liberalism or
revisionism, on the other hand. In other words, centrism
is in practice usually a weaselly form of revisionism itself.
It should be noted, however, that merely
from the fact that one holds a view which is in between two extremes, it does not follow
that one is a “centrist” in the Marxist sense. For example, revolutionary Marxism itself
holds a view in between pacifism and the sort of wild-eyed anarchism that views
violence as always being appropriate, no matter what the circumstances.
See also:
the Revolutionary Movement [Lenin quote];
CEO [Chief Executive Officer]
The top boss in charge of the day-to-day operations of a capitalist corporation. Although strictly
speaking CEO’s are subordinate to the Board of Directors of the corporation, in actual practice
they usually have quite a free hand. Moreover, they often also simultaneously hold the position of
Chairman of the Board as well as CEO, which really puts them almost completely in charge.
In capitalist theory corporations are owned and
supposedly controlled by those who own stock in that company, and the managers only “work for
those owners”. However, the CEO and other top managers of most corporations are in a position to
effectively loot a considerable part of the wealth of the companies they run and actually
do control. They do this through awarding themselves huge salaries, and via company stock sales to
themselves at huge discounts from market prices, etc. All capitalist corporations are in effect
gangs of capitalist thieves who exploit and steal the wealth created by their ordinary workers. But
within those gangs the top managers are the biggest thieves of all, and even steal disproportionate
amounts of the overall loot from the other share holders.
CEO’s in contemporary American capitalism are
typically paid vast amounts of money, including not only official salaries which are often in the
millions of dollars annually, but also with stock options, endless additional benefits, perquisites,
and so forth. And when they leave or retire—even if they get forced out because of gross
mismanagement of the corporation (a common occurrence)—they are usually presented with enormous
departure bonuses (often referred to as “golden parachutes”).
“Forty-four percent of U.S. CEOs have contracts that call for them to receive severance payments even if they’re fired for committing fraud or embezzlement.” —New York Times report, quoted in The Week, October 12, 2007, p. 40.
[American corporations today often “reward” their workers with small-scale
social events such as pizza parties, where the company graciously picks up the tab for a few
pizzas. —Ed.]
“If pizza parties are adequate reward
for hard work or extraordinary accomplishment, why aren’t they a bigger part of CEO
compensation?” —Disgruntled comment by someone using the handle “Gritty 20202” on the
Internet in 2023.
Before you become totally certain of something it is a good idea to put some serious
thought and investigation into the matter. Otherwise you’ll be like Donald Trump—absolutely
certain about so many things about which you are totally uninformed and willfully, abysmally,
In Trump’s case, however, what has been
called his insistent certainty is not just a result of his gross ignorance, but also
a necessary aspect of his demagoguery. Those who demand that
others invariably agree with and follow them, and who demand that their followers never have
any reservations in doing so nor raise any questions, are compelled to present an image of
total correctness, total authority, and total certainty in everything they say or do.
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