Denis Diderot (1713-1784)
Et des boyaux du dernier prêtre
Serrons le cou du dernier roi.
[And with the bowels of the last priest,
Let us strangle the last king.]
—Denis Diderot, Dithyrambe sur la fête des Rois
With attitudes like that, it is not too surprising
that there are some who do not look too kindly on Diderot! For example:
Je suis bon encyclopédiste,
Je connais le mal et le bien,
Je suis Diderot a la piste;
Je connais tout et ne crois rien.
[I am the true encyclopedist,
I know good and evil,
I am Diderot on the track;
I know everything and believe nothing.]
—Unknown; from P. Grosclaude, Un Audacieux Message:
L'Encyclopedie, Paris, 1951, p. 53.

An illustration from the great
encyclopedia edited by Diderot.
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