Round the World
Mexican Marxist-Leninist Movement Calls
on Workers to Support Student Struggle
[This article is reprinted from Peking Review, Vol. 11, #43, Oct. 25, 1968, p. 28.]
In a recent appeal, the Mexican Marxist-Leninist Movement notes that the student struggle against persecution and massacre is part of the Mexican people’s movement. It calls on the Mexican workers to support this just struggle with practical action.
It says that the students have risen up in rebellion against the suppression and massacre by the Mexican authorities. They have overcome all sorts of obstacles and difficulties without any fear of sacrifice and have challenged the established “order.” The appeal stresses that it is right for the young students to rebel. “They are fighting for liberty, for democracy and justice. The movement is a completely democratic and popular movement.”
It points out that the Mexican student struggle has the sympathy and support of all sections of the people, especially the workers and peasants. “The great importance of the student movement lies in the fact that the banner of struggle is raised not only by the students, but also by other revolutionary strata. This had and will have very profound repercussions in the democratic and revolutionary movement of the whole country. Its influence extends to the whole nation’s revolutionary movement. As Chairman Mao has taught us, ‘The student movement is part of the whole people’s movement. The upsurge of the student movement will inevitably promote an upsurge of the whole people’s movement.’”
The appeal expresses firm support for the student demands to disband the “riot squad,” the annulment of the law suppressing the people’s movement, the release of political prisoners and arrested students, the punishment of the culprits responsible for the massacre, and so forth.
The students have played the vanguard role in the Mexican people’s movement; they have formed an outpost; but “it is necessary to remember that, by itself, the student movement is unable to transform society and establish democracy and liberty in our country.”
The appeal stresses: “Chairman Mao says: ‘Who are the makers of the revolution? What is its main force? The common people of China. The motive forces of the revolution are the proletariat, the peasantry and all members of other classes who are willing to oppose imperialism and feudalism; these are the revolutionary forces opposing imperialism and feudalism. But who, among so many, are the basic force, the backbone of the revolution? The workers and the peasants, forming 90 per cent of the country’s population.’ Therefore, comrade workers, we have to support the student movement with practical action.”
It points out that while supporting the student movement, it is necessary to expose and denounce those who oppose the student movement and have usurped the leadership of the trade unions, because they are elements alien to the working class.
The appeal says in conclusion: We are on the side of the revolutionary students, and nothing can separate us from them. We support them wholeheartedly. We have to show our support without reserve. Only through struggle can we support the students in their struggle.
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